Bronze Age homes incredibly well preserved discovered in East Anglia
Two incredibly well-preserved homes have been discovered at Must Farm quarry in Whittlesey, East Anglia, during an excavation. The extraordinary find will give us...
Giant icebergs slow down global warming say Sheffield researchers
Giant icebergs slow down global warming as they melt in the ocean, say researchers from Sheffield University’s Department of Geography. Melting water from mega...
Battery that never burns or explodes invented by Stanford scientists
A lithium-ion battery that never burns or explodes – it shuts down when the temperature is too high and restarts when it cools down...
Rare UK butterfly facing extinction threat due to loss of elm trees
A rare UK butterfly - the White-Letter Hairstreak – is facing extinction because its only habitat, English elm trees, are rapidly vanishing due to Dutch elm...
Stephen Hawking closer to Nobel Prize award
Stephen Hawking is closer to being awarded the Nobel Prize, as evidence is emerging that may prove his work into radiation from black holes. His...
London smashes annual pollution limit in just 8 days
London smashed its annual pollution limit for 2016 in just eight days, making it the most polluted city in the UK and one of...
Australia house has twelfth century drinkable water from holy well
Australia House in London has twelfth century drinkable water from an ancient holy well, scientists say after carrying out laboratory tests. Australia House, a...
Snail sliding on Pluto has scientists mystified
A mysterious snail like object that is sliding on the surface of Pluto has scientists mystified and alien enthusiasts jumping up and down with...
The Mountain of Butterflies is first Google Doodle of 2016
The Mountain of Butterflies is the first Google Doodle of 2016, to mark the 41st anniversary of the discovery of a small area on...
Bright pink bottles on beach are ours Reckitt Benckiser admits
The several thousands of bright, pink plastic bottles that washed up on some Cornwall beaches over the past week are ours, says Reckitt Benckiser,...