3 SEO Myths That The World Needs To Stop Falling For

SEO has been one of the most effective marketing techniques of the 21st century so far.

From acquiring qualified leads to earning the right digital audience for various media channels, SEO does it all.

No wonder why marketers are continually searching for ideas to up their SEO game. But are these ideas always useful? Do these techniques always help?

Some say yes, some say no! The world needs clarity, and we’ll give some of it. In this post, let’s talk about 3 SEO myths that everyone needs to stop falling for.

SEO myths that we need to stop believing1. Google #1 Isn’t Everything

While you may be toiling hard to get to page 1 and rank 1 of Google search results, it may break your heart to know that it isn’t everything that you need.

Sure, Google #1 is big. It means a lot. But is it all that you need for your business?

Just being on #1 won’t get you business. People may drop by your landing page, may look around, maybe spend hours on your page and still may not sign up for your offer.

While, in another case, more people may sign up for your offer even if you are placed at #2 or #3 in the SERPs.

Reason? There can be many.

Landing page design. CTA. Content. Navigation menu. Search bar. Loading speed and so many other things. Something that only a professional SEO in Dublin can do best.

2. Social Signals Don’t Help At All

A bunch of marketers may argue. And that’s okay. Surely they are right too. But can we really go on to say that social signals don’t help in SEO at all?

Not today!

Social signals have long been useful for improving search rankings to a reasonable extent. However, they aren’t everything. But, yes, they matter.

And we don’t say that for nothing. Renowned marketers like Neil Patel too have spoken in favor of social signals. So, at least for now, it’d be better to factor social signals in for your SEO strategy.

3. Keywords Aren’t Important

Keywords really do matter image 49393929The professional SEO who told you that keywords don’t matter meant you don’t have to go big on inserting keywords in your content. Not that you can create your content without using any keywords at all.

Even to the present day, keywords matter. Just that the way they influence a web page’s search rankings has changed.

While ten years ago, a web page with a big bunch of keywords stuffed into it would have worked wonders for a website, in 2019, it’s about how relevant the keywords are. How useful the content is and what value it adds to the reader’s life.

This means that you don’t need to stuff keywords into your content. Instead, try to come up with ways to improve your content’s quality, readability and usefulness by being specific and relevant.

Also, it’s better to use LSI keywords along with the main keywords wherever they naturally fit in. So, keep that in mind and let the myths about keywords not being important go away.

That’s the approach that even the top  SEO in Dublin follow.

Final words

As marketers continually keep looking for more and more effective SEO techniques, a number of myths keep cropping up. And in this post, we took three of them down.

Hopefully, this was helpful.


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