Skateboarding 101: A Beginner’s Guide

Ever felt the wind rushing past as someone zipped by on a skateboard, making it seem as effortless as breathing? 

Skateboarding isn’t just a sport—it’s an art, a mode of transportation, and for many, a way of life, often intertwined with skateboarding law. It’s about freedom, creativity, and challenging yourself every day.

Choosing the Right Board

Types of Skateboards

There’s a smorgasbord of boards out there! From cruisers to longboards and the classic street board. How do you choose? It’s not just about what looks cool—it’s about finding what’s right for your needs.

Determining Your Board’s Purpose

Are you in it for the tricks, or do you just need a fun way to commute? Perhaps a blend of both? Understanding your primary purpose can guide your choice. A cruiser might be great for the campus, while a street board is ideal for tricks.

Skateboard Sizes: Which is for You?

Much like shoes, skateboards aren’t one-size-fits-all. There’s the deck width, wheelbase, and even truck profile to consider. A larger board offers more stability, but can it do what you need it to?

Getting Started: Basic Tips

Stance and Balance

Regular or goofy? No, we’re not talking about your sense of humor! It’s how you position your feet. Knowing your natural stance is key. From there, it’s all about balance. Remember, every pro skater started by wobbling a bit!

Foot Positioning

Getting your foot positioning right is crucial. Your front foot should be perpendicular to the board, with the ball of your foot just behind the front bolts. 

Your back foot should be at a slight angle, with the toes hanging off the edge for better control. Experiment to find the positioning that feels most comfortable for you.

Start on Smooth Terrain

When you’re just starting, choose smooth and flat terrain for your practice. Empty parking lots, tennis courts, or well-maintained sidewalks are ideal. 

Avoid busy streets or uneven surfaces until you’ve gained more confidence. Smooth terrain will make learning to balance and push much easier.

Mastering Basic Moves

Once you’ve got your balance, foot positioning, and basic pushing down, it’s time to delve a little deeper into the world of skateboarding. Here’s a beginner’s look into some essential skateboard maneuvers:

Pushing and Stopping


Propel yourself forward by pushing off the ground with one foot while the other stays on the board. Remember to alternate legs occasionally to build strength evenly.


The easiest way is to gently drag the tail of the skateboard on the ground. Another way is to step off safely when you’re moving at a slow speed. As you progress, you’ll learn the “foot brake” technique, where you lightly drag your foot on the ground while riding.

Safety First

No one’s too cool for safety gear, especially when it comes to enjoying skateboarding responsibly. Helmets, elbow pads, knee pads—gear up! 

Remember, even the pros started with tumbles, and they’ll tell you it’s always better to be safe, especially if you plan on celebrating your achievements with a refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage afterward.

Interesting Related Article: “5 Latest Advancements in the Electric Skateboard Industry