Small Business Marketing: 6 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong – And What to Do About It

Small businesses suffer from limited resources and time. Any mistake can send your investment on a downward spiral, so there’s no room for error. You need to sell your brand in the most effective way to make good use of limited resources.

Smalll business marketing - image 4949Although most small business owners know the basics of online marketing, many mistakes hold them back. Here are the top marketing mistakes you might be making and what you can do to correct your course.

1. Poor SEO Practices

If your business does not appear on the first page of local searches, you might lose valuable customers to your competitors. Your website needs to rank on the first page of Google and other search engines to gain more sales.

But it’s not just doing the right things that help your ranking. It’s also avoiding lousy SEO practices. Posting duplicate content and keyword stuffing, for example, might be the reason for your poor ranking.

You need to review your SEO strategies to know where you are going wrong. For instance, look for SEO Auckland audit services to understand if you’re using these black hat tactics. You can use such services to rank above your competitors.

2. Failure to Balance Between Website and Social Media Marketing

Most ventures make the mistake of putting more work on social media at the expense of their website. As much as social media is an effective way to market your products or services, your website is equally essential.

Whenever people see your products on social media, they most likely want to visit your site. Don’t let slow speeds or poor coding discourage your clients.

Focus on eliminating downtimes, improving the interface, and increasing browsing speeds for your site.

3. Lack of a Clear Marketing Plan

You may get all types of advice from friends, relatives, or fellow business owners about marketing. While other people’s opinions matter, every business is unique. Your marketing should conform to the kind of products or services you offer and your financial muscle.

The easiest way to avoid wasting money on poor marketing is to develop a clear marketing plan. Identify your targets and work towards achieving them. A marketing plan helps you to budget your resources accordingly.

If you have no idea what to do then you should consider getting a professional business coach. This person can guide you, teach you new processes, and give 1-on-1 coaching for your specific type of business. For example, James Hopkins Coaching LTD provides each user with a unique coaching program to ensure the everyone gets results according to their business needs.

4. Not Providing Discounts and Promotions

We all love discounts. As a small and upcoming business, you need a strategy to drive more traffic to your store or website.

Look for affordable but effective ways to reward your clients. The aim is to create a group of loyal clients who will continue consuming your goods even after the promotion.

You can also use coupons and loyalty points to attract more buyers.

5. Inability to Convert Website Visitors to Clients

After marketing your business, don’t let your hard work go down the drain. Focus on converting website visitors to clients.

When a person visits your site, make sure they can get what they are looking for with ease.

Your site should be easy to navigate, fast, and stocked with valuable information. Clients will most likely leave your page if it has a confusing layout. Establish some search options or filters to help visitors locate information faster.

6. Lack of a Clear Targeting

If your marketing is targeting everyone, you might be wasting your time and resources on the wrong audience. It’s crucial to understand the demographics and characteristics of your audience before embarking on a marketing plan.

Narrow your target market and focus on reaching out to this audience. Whether you are using social medial, email, or any other type of marketing, make sure it focuses on your target audience.

Bottom Line

Your small business relies more on your marketing strategy to move to the next level. Have a clear marketing plan and focus on your target audience to improve sales.

Interesting related article: “What is SEO?