Why is Social Media Important for Digital Marketing?

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Social Media is one of the buzzwords of the digital age. The trend for using social media casually is massive, and in business terms it is a must. Why should you be using social media for digital marketing? Which platforms should you be using, and what are the benefits for you and your business? Below we will look at why social media and digital marketing go hand in hand and give you advice on how best to go about enhancing your online presence.

Why Use Social Media?

Like it or not, social media is a simply colossal factor in the world today. What began as a fun way of communicating and sharing information with people via the internet has become one of the biggest forms of distributing information in the world – if not, when all the platforms are taken together, the biggest. Social media is very powerful, and that is the first reason why you need to embrace it within your digital marketing campaigns. From posting photos to creating engaging social media videos, it’s important to incorporate this into your strategy.

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Social media now covers many different forms of communication. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest all offer various methods of sharing and collecting information. They are also a great shop window for your products and services. When you consider that around half of all people get their news from social media it should become apparent that they also use it to search for products, especially in terms of local searches.

Social Media and Local Searches

Many millions of people use local searches to look for products, for places to stay and eat, and for services in and around the home. Take Facebook; search for businesses on there and you will be directed to local options, complete with a map. Similarly, Google Ads provides an equally efficient service, and is much used by consumers on the move.

Therefore your website should be optimised for hand-held devices, and why you need to use platforms such as the above mentioned for your digital marketing routine. It’s not something that you should be doing, but something that you must do if you don’t want to miss out on business. Remember that consumers want fast results, and that’s what they will get when you utilise the likes of Facebook and Instagram – not to mention Google – for your business promotion.

Which Platform to Use

There are several platforms that you need to be using if you are to maximise your reach on social media. If you want to keep up to date with the latest trends and news on the subject you should check out DigitallyApproved.com which is an excellent resource with plenty of fresh information on a regular basis.

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One platform that is often overlooked yet can play a vital part in a successful digital marketing campaign is Pinterest. It is among the fastest growing of the social media platforms, thanks to being diverse, easy to use and informative, and is gaining users rapidly. It’s perfect for visual presentation of your ideas, products, and services and for cross-border marketing.

The beauty of Pinterest – and indeed of all the social media platforms – is that they are a simple and often free way of getting a point across. This is even more relevant if you encourage visitors to leave reviews, which can be very useful in marketing terms.

If you’re not up to speed with social media then it may be one of your team is, or you might want to search for professionals who can help you with your online marketing. We can’t stress how important it is to have a social media presence, so check out the link we gave you and see how it can help you.

Interesting related article: “What is Social Media Marketing?