Things To Do Before Moving To A New Home

Moving in your new home like Grand Dunman Condo is always an exciting moment that allows you to start fresh in a beautiful new space and make your home a true reflection of you. However, moving can be a complicated—and stressful—business. There are many things to consider before settling into your new place, including utility hookups and insurance issues. We’ve put together this list of do’s and don’ts to help you plan so that all goes as planned when it comes time for the big move.

Make A To-Do List

When moving to a new home, it’s essential to make sure that you have everything in order before you leave. This includes having all of your belongings packed up and ready for transport. In addition, if any loose ends need tying up before moving day, this can also be done now.

Here are some things that should be on your list:

  • Make sure all valuables are locked away or out of sight (this includes jewelry)
  • Disconnect anything electrical from power sources if possible (such as computers or televisions). Also, unplug appliances like washing machines and dryers so they don’t accidentally turn on during transportation.

Start By Packing Your Belongings

Start by packing your belongings. Don’t overpack, though! Make sure you have enough time to pack everything and remember to leave space for fragile items (like a lamp) or items that aren’t necessary (like old clothing).

Once you’ve finished packing, it’s time to move on!

Create A Layout

The first thing you should do is create a layout of your new home. It would help if you made sure that there is enough space for everything, including storage and furniture placement. If you’re moving into an apartment, this step could be easier than if you are moving into a house or condo with square footage because it may be easier for the landlord/property manager to accommodate requests like “I would like my bedroom door on the opposite side of my kitchen cabinet.”

However, regardless of whether or not your new place has been furnished by its previous owners (and even if it hasn’t), there are always going to be things that get overlooked when decorating: appliances in kitchens; cabinets above refrigerators, closets under staircases–these are just some examples! Ensure that all areas with potential storage spots are accounted for so they don’t become clutter magnets later on when they become harder to reach due to their proximity within walls/floors, etc.

Plan Your Move Day

Move day is a big deal. It’s the day you start your new life in your new home, so it’s important to plan ahead and ensure everything goes smoothly.

  • Have a moving company on hand. If you’re packing yourself, ensure they have enough vehicles to transport everything safely from point A (your old house) to point B (your new house). You should also consider having them help with unloading if multiple rooms are being unpacked at once–this way, everything can be unpacked quickly and efficiently!
  • Have friends or family members assist with packing up their belongings during move-in day itself rather than just transporting them across town by car later on another day because then they won’t feel like they had much involvement in helping out around the house while we were redecorating before moving into our new place together as friends/family members who live nearby but not together anymore due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control such as divorce/divorce proceedings started after marriage ended due to irreconcilable differences between husband wife couple regarding lifestyle choices made during first year marriage when both parties were still living under same roof together instead of separately like now; these things happen sometimes – especially when children get involved since raising kids takes lots time away from each other making communication difficult sometimes even though both parents try hard work harder than ever before towards common goal: keeping children safe happy healthy educated well fed clothed sheltered warm comfortable homeschooled learning lessons good manners respect others etcetera.

Pack The Rest Of Your Belongings

Once you’ve packed your most important belongings, it’s time to start packing everything else. This list will help guide you through the process:

  • Pack the things you use regularly and need daily, such as clothing and toiletries. If items in this category are not currently being used by anyone in the house (such as old clothes or personal care products), consider donating them or giving them away before moving day arrives!
  • Pack any other items that fall into these categories: things that are used less frequently but still have value; things with sentimental value; items for work or school; items for recreation/leisure activities (e.g., sports equipment); tools needed around the house/yard work tools).
  • Leave behind anything else that anyone in your household no longer needs–even if they were once useful at some point!

Call Utilities And Services To Set Up New Accounts At Home

When moving into a new home, you must call the utility and service providers before you move. You’ll need to set up electricity, gas, and water accounts and phone lines for internet access. The sooner you do this, the less likely there will be delays in your ability to move in comfortably on time.

Also make sure that there is a phone number on file with everyone who needs one–the landlord or realtor, the moving company (if applicable), potential friends/family members who might stop by during packing/unpacking, etc. so that they can reach out if needed!

Ask about any other services included in the rent, such as cable TV packages, Internet speeds, etc. This way, no surprises come when bills arrive at month’s end!

Make An Inspection Of The Property Before Moving In

Before you move, it’s important to ensure the property is in good condition. You want to avoid moving into a place with extensive structural damage, mold, and electrical and plumbing issues.

The most optimal way to do this is through an inspection by an experienced professional who can provide you with all the information necessary so that any issues can be fixed before moving day arrives.


Moving is a big deal and can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. If you follow these steps and ensure everything is in order before moving day, all you’ll have left is the fun part of unpacking and decorating your new home!

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