Tips for Distributing Marketing Videos to Your Clients

Video marketing campaign - 4444Marketing videos are the wave of the future for most businesses. Videos can show off your products and services while focusing on the people who are the most likely interested in them. In truth, creating market videos is a large step for most older companies which normally marketed in print; but there is an entire industry and multiple hundreds of businesses which have only marketed via videos, and they are, in some cases, doing better than these in-print companies ever have. This is because they have reached their niche group and have begun to incorporate aspects for similarly interested customers.

Marketing videos are often seen as a type of commercial from the internet. But the best ones, often do not give any indication that they are a commercial. The social media game is complex but finding the thing that works for you and your customers is huge in building a following and growing your company. There are many people who use Tiktok as a means to market their products, not by showing off the specific features of a product, but by simply filming shipment videos. That’s right, there are people who are getting more business because they are showing themselves put products into boxes to be shipped.

These videos work because the small business owners know what their clients are interested in seeing. Creating your own marketing videos will require that you understand your target demographic, but also that you communicate with them in a way that keeps them interested, and that you accurately get the videos to them. You may know your best demographic, and you may know what interests them, but do you know how to distribute your videos to them? This is a game that a lot of people still have trouble with since they go after trends instead of real distribution strategies.

Video Distribution

There are a couple of different ways that really work when it comes to good distribution. Of course, one of those ways is to utilize website features like hashtags or events. But another, less used way, is by doing a video hosting platform. This is without a doubt, the best way to reach your clients without a social media platform. By using a hosting platform, you can embed videos into your website, blogs, emails, all sorts of ways, without ever interacting with ads (YouTube) or playback issues (Facebook). Further, using the right type of hosting service will give you data that can be used to refine and adjust your strategies. Video hubs (a place where all of your videos are stored on one page) should give you insight into how many times a video has been seen and basic information. While at the same time, you should be given optimization elements to help your business push towards the right people.

Tips for Distribution

Here are five tips for how to distribute marketing videos that will help you reach your target audience.

Utilize your website: Too many times businesses make the mistake of creating a website and then never actually using it. Most of the new customers that you will get will first go to your website, it is just a part of how business is done now. Use your videos inside of your website to boost both a client understanding of a topic and help to show who you are.

Use a landing page: Landing pages are pages which people reach only after clicking on a prompted link. For example, if your website has a link to a particular service, then when they click that link it should open a landing page only talking about that one service. And since this page is all about this one service, you could add a video talking about that service.

Use email, but sparingly: How many times have you gotten an influx of emails from one company, only to unsubscribe from that company to avoid the clutter in your inbox? There are many companies who think that the way to market is to send one email a week, others may do one email a month—but never do more than one a day(!). Emails are a great way to stay relevant in the lives of your clients, but there needs to be a balance of distance and relevance. Embedding your videos into the emails will only increase the interest of your company and its products.

Get or make a blog on your website: The word blog is sometimes fraught with a certain dislike from non-tech people. It gives off the air of something which is similar to social media posts. However, blogs are a great way to ensure that you are talking about the subjects which matter to your clients. You can answer common questions and use videos inside of these. Useful videos are usually shared between people, and helpful blogs are usually found by people with questions. Giving an answer to those questions will net you more page views and more business.

Consider a video advertisement: You are capable of producing a video that is both an advert and not overly aggressive. Most of the time when you see ads on the internet they are ‘loud’ and high energy, and a lot of people quickly dismiss them and move on. But there are all sorts of ways to market your company without worrying about if you are going down the right avenue. Paid socials and click ads are one way, Google ads are known to come up consistently, but there are also partnerships and special online events that can be explored.

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