5 Top Tips for Gainful Employment

There are really two types of employment. One is where you get a job, any job, just so you’re making money to survive. The other is gainful employment, where you get to work in a job that you really want and enjoy. While both may pay the bills, being gainfully employed is going to be a lot more satisfying than merely working a survival type of job.

Gainful employment image for article - jumble of related wordsIn this post, we’ll take a look at some tips on how to find gainful employment, along with ways to make yourself more attractive to potential employers so you can get the job you want.

1. Having a Job Can Lead To a Better Job

At times, just having some sort of job can work as a stepping stone to getting a better job, even if the two industries are unrelated. For starters, you won’t be as desperate to find employment if you already have something that’s paying the bills. This puts you in a more confident position where you have a better chance to state your terms. Also, when you go for interviews, the situation won’t feel so “life and death”, as you know you’re covered with your current job.

Being already employed also shows potential employers that you’re both employable as well as motivated to work.

2. Do a Course In Your Area Of Interest

This could be an online course, a TAFE course or even a course at a university. While on the job experience counts for a lot, so too does knowledge. If you have your heart set on gaining a foothold within a certain industry, the more qualified you are for that job, the better your chances will be of landing a position.

Online there are 1000s of really good courses. You can find plenty on sites such as Udemy, as well as certificate courses and education department-approved courses that can be completed online.

3. Are There Any Rules and Licenses Required?

As an example, let’s say you want to work behind the bar at your favourite night club. Apart from knowing how to mix and serve drinks, you’ll also be required to earn a Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate to find employment in this area of the hospitality industry.

If you want to sell real estate or used cars, you have to do a course and pay yearly for a license to legally be able to work in these fields.

So, before applying for jobs in a particular industry, be sure to first look into the rules and regulations that govern it.

4. Find a Jobactive Provider In Australia

If you’re unemployed you’ll be eligible to become a member of one of your local Jobactive providers.

What is a Jobactive provider?

Working in conjunction with Centrelink and the federal government, a Jobactive service provider is there to help the unemployed find employment, and preferably gainful employment.

Some of the services your Jobactive provider supplies include:

  • Access to computers and office equipment for writing resumes and applying for jobs
  • Access to the latest job listings
  • Your Jobactive provider can short-list you for interviews with employers
  • Receive training in key industries so you have more chance of landing a job
  • Put your through motivational training
  • Offer help and advice
  • And more…

5. Take Advantage Of Your Network

We all have networks! It could be friends and family members, people you currently work with, and then there are all those online social circles with a broader reach, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

With the internet there is so much more scope to put the word out for opportunities than there has ever been before. You can even search online job boards for jobs as well.

If you’re looking for a job or a particular type of job, just put the word out with everyone you know. Maybe something won’t come up right away, but the more people out there who are aware of your desire for employment, the better the chances of someone knowing of a position you could apply for.

Just putting yourself out there is sometimes all it really takes to get what you want, which includes the job you want.


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