Top 8 Mobile Apps That Can Boost Your Productivity and Time Management


Our gadgets take a lot of our time. In fact, they steal a good third of a day according to BankMyCell, which reveals that adults on average spend 6 hours and 58 minutes in front of the screens of their iPhones and Androids every day. These statistics are quite alarming because this time not only takes away from our health but also reduces productivity, leading to missed opportunities. For instance, if you’re working on an NDA template, having the right apps can help you draft and review it efficiently.

Now, why not turn a bad habit into a good one and transform your phone into an instrument for success? With mobile apps that we’re about to cover in this article, you’re sure to see positive changes in your daily routine and may even get a promotion soon. Ready to dive in? If so, let’s get right into it. 

1. Evernote – The Best Note-Taking App

Did you know that a vast majority of people forget 50% of the information they’ve learned within just one hour? Sure, not all information we hear is important, but some of it definitely is, and if it slips out of your mind too soon, this can put you at a disadvantage. 

With Evernote, however, you can make sure that everything important you learn during the day is written down and is there for you on your phone. It’s one of the best note-taking apps to store digital notes, which has over 250 million users. 

The features of Evernote are quite extensive. In addition to storing tasks, it can accommodate images, sketches, and PDF files, as well as sync with your Google Calendar to track ongoing agendas. So, you can always stay on top of your schedule and never forget about any important events. 

2. To-Do – An App That Brings Order

Another app that can come in handy for those who keep forgetting things is To-Do. This app stands out from the sea of other options with its neat and well-structured organizational methods. For example, it allows you not only to create a task but also to set a reminder not to forget about a due time. If there are any tasks pending, it can notify you of them, too. 

One of the best features of To-Do is My Day. Using this tool, you can plan your daily activities by breaking them down into smaller tasks and then cross them off the list upon completion. For many people who get super busy, the To-Do app proves an invaluable helper, making their lives Trello – The Most Versatile Management Tool

If you’re looking for an app to help you get organized in managing your team, Trello can be the best solution. This app has many strengths, making it a favorite productivity tool for at least 23,770 companies polled. Especially when managing projects that involve contract automation, Trello’s board and card system can be invaluable.

There are many management tools, but Trello beats them all in terms of UI. Even if you’ve never used any management tools before, you’ll quickly learn what’s what without spending hours in front of your screen. 

Trello has a clear board to add and manage tasks. Tasks can be distributed among team members and tracked by assignment date. In addition, it offers a bundle of collaboration tools, such as tags and comments, that help streamline remote work. 

While a perfect task management app, Trello can also be used as a simple to-do list tool for organizing your daily tasks. This makes it one of the most versatile productivity and time management applications you can find there.

In the realm of the best IT companies, Trello finds its place as a valuable tool for professionals working in the tech industry.

3. Scalefusion – App Management for Increased Productivity and Security

Scalefusion’s Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution allows users to manage and secure mobile applications with ease. It’s a crucial tool for businesses looking to improve their operations and enhance security. With Scalefusion, you can set up app permissions and configurations effortlessly, ensuring that your mobile devices are optimized for productivity and protected against security threats. This makes it an essential addition to your list of productivity apps.

Scalefusion is a leading Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) vendor that specializes in helping ambitious companies secure and manage their digital devices.

4. Freedom – The Best Anti-Distraction App

If you can’t live without your social media, shopping websites, games, and TikTok, you should give the Freedom app a try. All these websites, whatever good they are supposed to bring, are the worst time-killers and are one of the most frequent reasons for procrastination. Adopting a growth mindset can really help you see these distractions as opportunities to strengthen your focus and self-discipline. Remember, every time you resist the urge to scroll mindlessly, you’re training your brain for success.

Freedom lets you break free from your detachment from social media. It allows you to block those sites that eat up a lot of your time and activate them only when you’ve completed work and can finally relax. Or, if you prefer to keep things under control, you can set up immediate sessions.

This app isn’t free. However, you have the option to access its features with a free trial version before becoming a paid subscriber. 

5. Google Meet – The Best Video-Conferencing App

Google Meet does not need a presentation. It’s one of the most popular video-calling apps in the world with over 100 million users using it daily. Since the moment it became accessible to all people, not just users of Google Workspace, it gained even more popularity, becoming the main competitor for Zoom. Such platforms have also paved the way for virtual events, allowing businesses and individuals to connect seamlessly, irrespective of geographical boundaries

The advantages of Meet are numerous. First off, it has a very user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to initiate meetings. Secondly, it’s cross-compatible, so it can be easily accessed across a number of devices, regardless of the installed OS. 

Plus, its participant capacity is absolutely amazing. If needed, you can easily invite up to 1,000 people to join your video call, which makes it ideal for use by large enterprises that have remote teams spread geographically. 

Google Meet can be used for free if you don’t need more than one hour of call session. However, it is also available in several business plans for companies looking to scale up their meetings and get access to top-tier features. 

6. Keeper – Secure Password Manager

As the number of digital products grows, so does the amount of accounts and passwords. But what if you have to use different laptops for work and the idea of saving passwords in the built-in browser password managers doesn’t seem all that attractive? This is where Keeper comes into play.

Keeper is one of the best password managers. It provides you with a safe place to store all of your passwords and access them across a number of devices. So, whether you’re at work or away on a trip and need to sign into one of your accounts, you’ll have no problem doing it with Keeper on your smartphone.

Besides passwords, Keeper allows you to store any other sensible information, including photos, videos, card details, and so on. Plus, it has additional features, such as a Password generator, biometric authentication, and record sharing, that add an extra layer of protection to it. 

7. Slack – The Best Collaboration App

For managers who have remote teams, Slack can be a game-changer. The app’s popularity has increased in recent years, largely due to the outbreak of the pandemic, which forced many companies to switch to remote and hybrid work. However, even as the pandemic loosened its grip, Slack never lost its title as the number one collaboration tool, and we can easily see why.    

Slack has it all. You can assign tasks and check their completion on a user-friendly dashboard. If you need to get in touch with any of your teammates, the platform supports direct private messaging. Aside from that, it offers a video calling feature, allowing you to initiate calls with your team without even leaving Slack. 

Slack doesn’t look like any of those productivity tools you might have seen before. It supports emojis and stickers that give it a touch of fun and casualness, allowing the team to feel at more ease when talking to each other. Plus, it supports integrations with other popular productivity apps like Asana and Google, making it suitable for all teams.

8. Pocket – A Great Bookmarking Tool

Another app that’s worth trying, especially if you love reading on the Internet, is Pocket. Many people read books on the Internet, to say nothing of articles and news posted on websites, and because they come to them every so often, they keep dozens of tabs open. Pocket will allow you to keep your phone neat and organized. 

Actually, Pocket serves as a bookmarking app, but unlike the browsers’ bookmarks, it’s so much more versatile and user-friendly. With Pocket, you can save articles, web pages, and videos from across the web with just a single click. 

The best part? It syncs seamlessly across all your devices, so you can start reading an article on your phone during your commute and finish it on your tablet when you get home. There are many additional features that make Pocket worth attention, including highlighting, reading time estimation, and continuous listening. You can use Pocket for free or get a paid version. 

9. – The Ultimate Tool for Digital Asset Management on Mobile isn’t just another mobile app. It’s a productivity powerhouse for individuals and teams dealing with a vast array of digital assets. With its expansive user base, has become a preferred tool for those who require an efficient and seamless way to organize, access, and share their digital files right from their mobile devices.

One of the standout features of is its intuitive interface that makes navigating through thousands of assets a breeze. Moreover, its cross-compatibility ensures that irrespective of your device or operating system, your assets are always within your reach.

But the real productivity magic happens with its advanced search capabilities powered by DAM metadata. With just a few taps, users can quickly locate the exact file they need, saving valuable time and reducing needless scrolling. For teams, this means quicker collaboration and streamlined workflows, especially when working remotely.

While offers a robust free version, its premium plans unlock even more powerful features tailored for businesses and professionals who demand top-notch digital asset management capabilities on the go.

Bottom Line

These are just a few of the many great productivity and time management applications that are worth trying. However, you can certainly find many more, not less amazing apps for productivity. Just make sure you don’t go from one extreme to another and focus all your energy on finding that perfect management tool. 

Remember, the search for the ideal productivity app shouldn’t become an obsession. It’s essential to strike a balance between exploring new tools and relaxation. If you are looking to disconnect from working, Prize Kingdoms is one of the fastest growing phone app games on the market today. Otherwise, you might end up spending more time looking for the perfect solution than actually getting things done. So, don’t let your quest for productivity apps lead you down a never-ending rabbit hole, akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. It’s like trying to find a specific document in a cluttered digital folder without a trashcan to declutter and organize your workspace efficiently.

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