Here is How Using your Car in Excessive Heat Impacts its Health

Although cars are built to last even in extreme climatic conditions, driving in excessive heat is bound to impact the overall health of the automobile, negatively. Moreover, while controlling the climatic conditions isn’t possible, you can always identify the issues, potential fixes, and tweak the driving approach to counter the performance and structural issues, if and when they show up.

Using your Car in Excessive Heat Impacts its Health - 393939vv39
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Negative Impacts Listed

  1. Overinflated Tires

Excessive heat can lead to escalated tire pressure and an overinflated structure. While this might sound like a simple issue to counter inadvertent inflation results in tire deformity and reduction in the road tread. Although a one-off incident is manageable, prolonged exposure to heated surroundings and temperature extremities might result in rubber disintegration.

  1. Thickened Engine Oils

In extreme heat, it is common for the engine oil to thicken, which eventually results in resin and sludge accumulation. As engine oil is a non-uniform mixture, the lighter portions end up evaporating and even high-quality products lose their stability, thereby rendering the engine prone to scuffing and abrasion.

  1. Mileage Reduction

Overheated surfaces might also result in pre-detonation and reduced fuel efficiency. Moreover, if you are using gas as the preferred fuel, you might also have to account for damaged piston rings, which result in excessive pinging and knocking.

  1. Ill-performing Coolant

Excessive heat can put massive pressure on the cooling consortium which comprises radiator, hoses, water pump, and the concerned coolant. While the conglomerate might not get affected upon encountering minor surges in temperature, the long-term impact includes restricted airflow and a faulty radiator.

Things to Consider Before Taking your Vehicle out in Excessive Heat

Now that you are aware of the common issues faced by a car that is being driven around in excessive heat, you need to make certain adjustments to make way for a more productive driving experience.

As far as preventive measures are concerned, you must check for the vehicle fluid levels and quality before proceeding followed by conducting detailed battery assessments. Not just that, you must keep a note of the tire conditions and periodically inspect car belts while considering replacements, if and when necessary.

Basic Tips to Follow for Braving the Heat

11 Be prepared for your car trip - especially on a very hot day
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In addition to the preventive measures, it is necessary to follow a specific set of instructions for preventing car damage and heat-specific performance issues. For starters, it is necessary to stay prepared by keeping the relevant spares, engine oil, and additional coolant handy.

Besides, before you can even consider going out, you must switch on the air conditioner and calibrate fan speeds and associated settings based on the climatic requirements. Lastly, it is also necessary to determine the health of the brake fluid, vehicle transmission, and power steering before taking the car out in the open.

Regardless of the issues encountered by the car due to excessive heat and soaring climatic temperatures, you need to adhere to the mentioned preparatory regimen to keep the vehicle in a decent physical state.

Interesting related article: “How to take care of your car.