Which Digital Marketing Strategies Are The Most Impactful For CPG Brands?

Do you implement your brand’s marketing strategy based on what you think will resonate with your audience?

Wish you had more data to fuel your marketing decisions?

I just came across a report from That RANDOM Agency that is packed full of data pertaining to CPG brands and their marketing efforts.

I’m going to highlight the three things that stood out to me but there is so much data and actionable insights that I highly recommend you download the free report here.

Social Media Marketing Brings in the Most Profitability

I wasn’t shocked that social media marketing is both the most widely used marketing tactic and the most successful marketing tactic for CPG brands. With 74% of CPG brands heavily leveraging social and 41% saying it’s the most profitable, social media marketing for CPG brands needs to be a priority.

Focus your efforts where they count. Instagram, Facebook, and X are your go-to crew. And with only 5% of CPG brands reporting that Pinterest is their strongest channel, I’d say it’s safe to drop this one from your marketing mix

The largest number of respondents reported posting 5-10 times per week. Second place was 2-5 posts per week

Consistency is key, but don’t overdo it. I recommend posting 5 times per week per channel. This way, you don’t oversaturate your audience, but you still serve them awesome content that keeps them following. 

Influencer Marketing for CPG Brands

Influencers can be a game-changer for your brand, but it’s all about finding the right fit for your target audience. Craft buyer personas to develop the traits of influencers that will resonate with your target audience. From there, utilize an influencer marketing platform or work with an agency that gets the ins and outs of this strategy, as there are a lot of nuances to it.

Knowing that influencer marketing is popular with CPG brands, That RANDOM Agency wanted to uncover how these brands identify the right influencers for their campaigns. 64% of CPG brands utilize an influencer marketing platform to find the right influencers. 

Only 15% of CPG brands report not implementing influencer marketing at all.

Is Email Marketing Important For CPG Brands?

With email marketing bringing in an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, it’s one of the most profitable marketing strategies. The key is approaching and implementing it strategically. 

Strike the balance between promotion and thought leadership, and watch the magic happen. What does a balanced mix look like? 59% of CPG brands send more promotional emails than thought leadership emails. 37% of CPG brands send more thought leadership emails, and the rest of the pie doesn’t send any emails at all.

Mix up your email content for maximum impact. Thought leadership lends credibility while promotions gain sales, both of which are crucial for profitability.

Want a lot more data pertaining to how CPG brands are approaching and seeing success with digital marketing? Download the free report!

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