Why Miro software is important to use in today’s world

Miro software is a cloud-based coordinated effort arrangement intended for little and medium-sized ventures. A digital whiteboard is included with the solution, which can be used for brainstorming, ideation, creating customer journeys and user narrative maps, wireframing, and a variety of other collaborative tasks.

Users may utilize the solution’s whiteboard tools to build mockups and schemes, jot down thoughts, and provide comments on other members’ contributions. Pre-loaded templates may be used to construct boards, which can then be transformed into a presentation or saved as a PDF.

Miro also has a built-in collection of icons, wireframes, and other assets. Users may also use Google Drive or their PC to upload files, photos, and documents. Miro (formerly known as Realtime Board) bills itself as a collaborative digital whiteboard.

One may use the program to make notes and drawings, move objects around, and connect with others via integrated video calls or web chats. The program also includes a set of pre-built templates that may serve as inspiration or a jumping-off point for your own project work.

When delivering real-time remote design thinking workshops, we prefer to use the online whiteboarding tool and apply Miro. Miro is commonly used for the following purposes:

  • Making a list of ideas or subjects to concentrate on for a big project
  • Creating a customer journey map or a user narrative
  • Developing a wireframe for a new product notion or idea
  • Creating a blueprint or strategy for a workshop or program on innovation
  • In an agile culture, organize a more engaging or inventive meeting for your team.

Another aspect worth mentioning is the app integrations and relationships. Miro integrates with Google Drive, Slack, Asana, Trello, and SurveyMonkey, among other popular virtual collaboration platforms.

One may also prefer to use Miro in video conference solutions like Hoppin or Whereby, where one can show their Miro board (just like your screen) and attendees may add to it without having to open a new browser tab.

How to Make the Most of Miro:

Collaboration and Innovation Work Resources from Miro:

You might be unclear about where to begin if you want to use this tool in your personal cooperation and virtual projects. The resources listed below can help you learn how to utilize this software application efficiently.

  1. Miro Help & Support Center

The software tool’s own support and help center is one of the most convenient methods to learn about it and get help. There are written guides to frequently asked questions and situations that users may want to learn more about.

  1. Miro Tutorials on YouTube:

An instructional series is also available on Miro’s YouTube channel to assist new users in getting started with the application. The four lessons in this series have been embedded on YouTube. On University Webinars, one may also find a selection of over 25 popular Miro Tutorial Videos.

  1. Using Miro to Make a Customer Journey Map (Service Design Show):

There is a two-part YouTube lesson that explains how to use Miro to construct customer journey maps and when it’s a good idea to use it on YouTube.

  1. Templates for Miro:

Miro’s website also has a template library that you may use to get ideas about how to build up Miro for one’s own innovation team, workshop, class, or project. Their template collection covers everything from strategy to ideation and marketing, so you’re sure to find something that fits your needs or is close enough to get you started.


  • For online visual collaboration, the right tool is required:

When the epidemic reached our nation and we needed to work remotely from home, Miro was the most often used program. It comes with all of the tools we need to collaborate on tasks and projects, and it works in real time. We are also quite pleased with our decision to make this is programmed a part of our work system.


Miro’s most powerful feature is its ability to have online meetings and project discussions. When my team and I are holding an online meeting for our project discussion, screen sharing is the most crucial and critical function that we require since it allows us to visually show our computer screen for others to understand the point that I am giving.


There are some difficulties with the screen sharing, such as the fact that it won’t load and won’t play my audio file, yet it works fine with the video file. The whiteboard has no board on its canvas, and if it is not controlled properly, it will consume too much RAM on my machine, causing it to operate slowly.

  • Switching to Miro for a variety of reasons:

Miro has a digital whiteboard, which is just what we need to make the online debate more engaging.

  • A visual brainstorming board:

I’m a visual thinker who wouldn’t be able to operate without anything like this. I’ve tried all of them and keep returning to Miro cost.


It provides all of the freedom I require to plan out and develop my ideas. Furthermore, the community templates are really valuable, and fresh contributions continue to arrive.


The visual aesthetic component occasionally disappoints or impresses me, but this is a minor nuisance.

What exactly is Miro? 

Due to the massive shift to remote work driven by the COVID epidemic, Miro is one of the fastest-growing software applications. It may truly enhance the visual, interactive, and engaging aspects of your meetings or workshops.

Are you looking for assistance in developing or planning your own innovation initiative or program? In your next Zoom workshop, put it to the test. To understand more about performing design thinking digitally with distant teams, we recommend users use Miro software.

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