How to Stay Focused Working in the Coworking Space

Concentration is a crucial factor in achieving success in any business. However, maintaining focus in a busy work environment can be challenging due to the numerous distractions that arise throughout the day. From meetings and conversations to snack breaks and unexpected interruptions by colleagues, staying on task requires intentional strategies.

Common Workplace Distractions

It’s not uncommon for employees to become sidetracked by non-work-related activities during office hours. For example, some employees may bring personal items, such as pets, into the office, which can divert attention from work. Others might take extended breaks under the guise of personal care, like the employee who was found using the restroom hand dryer to warm her bare feet, or the one who spent a significant amount of time shaving. Additionally, some employees may appear to be working but are actually engaged in non-work activities, such as reading online books or even napping.

These examples highlight the various ways in which employees might lose focus, ultimately impacting productivity. To counteract these tendencies and maintain concentration in the workplace, here are some practical strategies:

Strategies for Maintaining Focus

Use Headphones: Wearing headphones is a clear signal to others that you are focused on a task and prefer not to be interrupted. Listening to music or ambient noise can also help block out distracting sounds. By making this a habit, you can create a personal boundary that minimizes unnecessary interruptions.

Establish Quiet Hours: Designating specific times of the day as “quiet hours” can help create a focused work environment. During these periods, conversations and noise should be kept to a minimum. This practice can be implemented individually or across the office, fostering a culture of concentration.

Enhance Your Workspace: A well-organized and aesthetically pleasing workspace can improve focus and alertness. Consider making small updates to your environment, such as rearranging furniture, adding plants, or using subtle scents like lavender or citrus to create a calming atmosphere. These changes can boost your mood and productivity.

Use Privacy Accessories: Tools like a “computer hoodie” or screen privacy filters can help you maintain privacy while working on your computer. These accessories deter colleagues from looking over your shoulder and reduce the likelihood of interruptions.

Keep Your Desk Organized: A clutter-free desk is essential for maintaining focus. At the end of each workday, take a few minutes to tidy up your workspace. This not only helps you stay organized but also makes it easier to find what you need the next day, reducing distractions and keeping you on task.

Create a To-Do List: A well-structured to-do list helps you prioritize tasks and stay on track throughout the day. When colleagues see that you are organized and focused on your work, they are more likely to respect your time and only approach you when necessary. A to-do list also helps you manage your workload more effectively, ensuring that you remain productive.

Be Mindful of Coffee Consumption: Coffee can be a great tool for improving focus and alertness, but it’s important to consume it wisely. Avoid drinking coffee immediately after waking up, as your body’s natural adrenaline is still kicking in. Similarly, refrain from consuming coffee too close to important meetings or late in the afternoon, as it might make you jittery or disrupt your sleep, affecting your performance the next day.


Working in a shared office space has its benefits, but it also presents challenges that can hinder concentration. By adopting smart strategies like using headphones, establishing quiet hours, and organizing your workspace, you can minimize distractions and maintain focus. Additionally, being mindful of your habits, such as coffee consumption and the organization of your tasks, can further enhance your productivity. Ultimately, staying focused in a busy work environment is about setting boundaries and creating an environment that supports your ability to concentrate, leading to greater success in your business endeavors.