5 Tips on How to Write a Great Cover Letter

Cover letter image 1111Cover letters are not easy to write, and many people tend to get them wrong. Too many candidates miss job opportunities because they could not write great cover letters. The primary source of the challenge is one never knows what the hiring manager is looking for in a letter.

With the right strategies; however, you can make sure you’ve covered all the bases. Paying attention to detail is the difference between a good letter and a great one. Just as you take your time with a career research paper, so you should also ensure you give your cover letter the attention it requires. If you are looking for cover letter writing strategies, do not hesitate to contact WritingJobs you are in the right place.

1. Provide A Succinct Educational History

The first mistake most candidates make when writing cover letters is spending too much time on their educational history. Remember that every candidate applying for the position should fulfill all educational requirements. Therefore, you should focus on what makes you stand out.

Provide a short and precise educational background that outlines how far you’ve reached in your learning. Keep things simple and move on to expound on your work experience.

2. Consider The Position You’re Applying

You should always let the position you’re applying to guide you through your resume and cover letter. Tailoring the letter to the position makes it stand out. Too many people use the same cover letter for all job applications – this is where they go wrong.

Many people already submit these generic letters; doing the same lowers your chances of getting invited to an interview. Writing a unique cover letter shows the hiring manager that you’ve done your homework. It also shows that you have something to bring to the table.

3. Clearly Outline What You Can Offer The Company

Your cover letter should answer the question: “Why should I hire you?” Companies often receive hundreds of application letters for each job vacancy. Being vague does not help you get that first vital interview. You need to use the cover letter to tell the company what makes you so valuable.

Every organization looks out for bold and self-spoken recruits who are fast learners. Find out what the company needs and use your work experience to point out why you are the ideal candidate for the job.

4. Don’t Complicate Things

A great cover letter is one that is easy to go through. Even though you’d like to stand out, using fancy words and a complicated layout is not the way to go. Most people who are in charge of hiring do not have much time to spend on reading applicants’ letter. If yours looks long and cumbersome, there is a good chance that they won’t read any of it. You only have a few seconds to convince the hiring manager to take your application to the next level.

5. Mention Numbers

We all understand numbers. In fact, when we are scanning a text in a hurry, we are grateful for statistics and figures because we only need to glance at them. Bear this in mind when you are writing your letter.

In today’s fiercely competitive market, good jobs are becoming harder to find. Writing a killer cover letter is an excellent way of standing out among many job applicants.