6 Best Things About Commercial Outdoor Lighting

Do you have a large outdoor space available in your office building or your beautiful café? If you have, you need to work on the lighting of the space, as it brings out the beauty in the place!

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A recent survey of the industry showed that lighting can consume up to 40% of the electricity charges, which depends on the type of space and the building, too. So, without further ado, let’s read about commercial outdoor lighting and find out why it is a must for all outdoor spaces.

Commercial Outdoor Lighting and the Best Solution

In comparison to the olden and golden days, LED Lamps, which are otherwise known as Light-emitting Diode lamps have become the best solution when it comes to outdoor lighting. There are many reasons why one should go for LED Lamps. These lamps are highly efficient, and no one can beat the lifespan of these lamps. They can outlive their nearest competition by 2-10 times.

Moreover, LED lamps are known for the amount of electricity they save. With these lamps, you can save a fortune, and have the same concentration of light, which you get with the erstwhile technology of lamps. Its feature of emitting light at a higher concentration, and with varied characteristics make it the best choice for lighting solution.

These lights are fairly expensive, in comparison to the other lamps in the market. Still, the quality of these lights makes it a must-buy. If you are looking for commercial outdoor lighting, you will find a lot of brands in Australia but make sure you choose the most reliable one. Some of the major uses of commercial outdoor lighting can be seen in Parking lots, restaurant outdoor seating, terraces, patios, office complex, parks, etc.

When you are going to buy commercial outdoor lighting, there are a lot of parameters that you must keep in mind, including:

  1. The source of electricity is important.

When you are going for commercial outdoor lighting, you need to realize that there is an option for you to not rely on fossil fuel made electricity. You can easily go for solar-powered LED lamps, too, that are easily available in the market. Most of the parking lots and street lamps use this technology, as these lamps are eco-friendly and also help you save bills on electric consumption.

So, if you are looking to light up a large area, you first need to decide whether you want a conventional power source or go for eco-friendly self-sufficient lighting.

  1. You need to know the purpose behind the lighting.

When you plan on investing in the lighting, you need to first ask yourself why do you want to replace/remodel the lighting of a particular place. For instance, if you are getting the light for a parking compound, you are looking for functional tall lamps, that can light up a large space and can run for a longer period of time.

  1. The right choice of lamps will save you the running cost

You also need to choose from the wide collection of lamps available in the market. The selection will be done right only when you have found the true purpose of the lighting. There are a lot of lamps types available, like LED Lamps, Incandescent Light bulbs, Halogen light bulbs, Mercury Vapour Lights, Fluorescent Light lamps, Metal Halide bulbs, etc. Each and every light lamp has a different consumption pattern and it consumes different amounts of energy.

  1. The budget should be predefined

When you decide to buy commercial lighting for your outdoor space, you first need to select a budget. The budget will help you to choose the lamps that you can afford. If you go over budget, you can rework the plan and eliminate a few lamps that wouldn’t contribute much to the lighting of the area!

  1. The type of lamp plays a huge role.

Every lamp is different, and the technology is also different. Where an LED lamp can produce 37-120 lumens, an incandescent light lamp can only produce 10 lumens, whereas a Halogen lamp can produce 24 lumens. Thus, the type of lamp you choose also decides the efficiency.

  1. The lifespan of the lamp also matters.

The lifespan of the lamp will also be established by the choice of lamp. LED lamps have the longest lifespan of 25000 hours to 100000+ hours, whereas incandescent light lamps have a lifespan of only 1200 hours!

A statistic showed that the average market size of the industry stands at $2.2 billion, and if you want to make an investment in commercial outdoor lighting, don’t shy away from doing it because it will all be worth it!

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