AI nanomachines will repair parts of the human body from the inside, say scientists. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. Future healthcare professionals will inject tiny AI machines to repair our bodies. With AI nanomachines, we will also be able to control the world with just our thoughts.
The technology is not that far away, scientists said in evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence.
The Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence considers the economic, ethical, and social implications of AI advances. It also makes recommendations.
AI nanomachines – health applications
AI nanomachines will probably be fixing our insides within the next twenty years. The state-of-the-art micro-technology will fix people’s cells, muscles, and bones.
Imagine injecting something into your body that sorts out a chronic disease, condition, or even saves your life!
For example, the microscopic machines, loaded with artificial intelligence, will spot cancer cells and get rid of them. In other words, they will be able to detect early-stage fatal diseases and treat them.
John McNamara, an IBM innovator, said before the Committee:
“These will provide huge medical benefits, such as being able to repair damage to cells, muscles, and bones – perhaps even augment them.”

AI nanomachines – making us smarter
McNamara added that AI nanomachines will boost our brain power. Cutting-edge technology will allow us, for example, to control our homes just by using our minds.
Put simply; we will be able to make something happen just by thinking about it.
McNamara added:
“Utilising technology which is already being explored today we see the creation of technology that can meld the biological with the technological.”
“So [we will] be able to enhance human cognitive capability directly, potentially offering greatly improved mental, as well as being able to utilise vast quantities of computing power to augment our own thought processes.”
If we embed this technology in ourselves and our surroundings, the possibilities are endless. “We will begin to be able to control our environment with thought and gestures alone,” McNamara explained.
McNamara says it won’t be long before we find a way to ‘meld’ humans and machines together. In other words, we will have cyborg-style beings.
AI – a blessing or a nightmare?
Many leading scientists worry that AI may eventually become our worst nightmare, rather than a blessing. Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates have expressed concerns.
In 2015, Cambridge University set up a special centre to explore AI opportunities and challenges.
Elon Musk, the founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX, once said:
“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that.”
Video – Artificial Intelligence
AI stands for artificial intelligence – software that makes machines behave and think like us (humans).