Cortana, Microsoft’s digital agent, is now available on the lock screen of Android devices.
The new feature, which had been in beta testing since January, doesn’t override a user’s lock screen with Cortana, instead, users will have the ability to use the digital agent directly from their lock screen by swiping left or right on a floating logo.

Users can ask Cortana questions or ask the agent to perform various tasks like setting reminders.
Microsoft said in its announcement:
“Today, you can now interact with Cortana above the lock. Quickly get answers to your questions, set a reminder and more without having to unlock your device.”
Microsoft has also made some improvements to Cortana home on Android. Information is now easier to read, and viewing, editing and adding items to lists has been improved.
“We’ve also made updates to the Cortana home on Android, giving you glanceable information about what’s upcoming in your day like your schedule, commute times as well as upcoming reminders and the ability to quickly add reminders and new calendar items to your day. Your lists are also easier to access so you can view, edit and add items quickly,” Microsoft added.