Essential Collaboration Tools for a Remote Workforce

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The COVID-19 pandemic saw many businesses forced to adapt to a digital workplace to maintain their day-to-day operations. The demands of a remote workforce necessitated the creation of digital business solutions to manage and streamline online companies. Collaboration tools are essential for managing a successful remote team. Here are some indispensable collaboration tools your team should utilize today.

What are Collaboration Tools?

A study done by Adobe Acrobat reported, “More than 3 in 4 adults would rather apply for jobs that offer remote work options.” Businesses that successfully switch to remote workplaces can see tremendous growth and improvement in overall productivity. Digital entrepreneurship data from 2020 to 2021 show that creative startups can succeed even during economic downturns such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This success, however, is not met without the use of collaboration tools. Collaboration tools are software and technology that your remote team utilizes to stay connected and work together efficiently. These tools are necessary for managing successful remote teams. Collaborative software can help keep employees on task and projects completed promptly. These tools can also help to streamline workflows and automate specific processes to save your company time and money.

Communication Tools

A successful remote team has to communicate with each other throughout the workday to remain efficient. Basic communication software is essential for staying connected with your team. Instant messaging platforms and video conferencing software are crucial components of a digital workplace. As your business works with new clients and customers, you must have reliable communication software to never lose touch with your team or consumers.

Automation Systems

Bringing automation tools to your digital business can streamline workflows and save time for employees. Automation tools take care of repetitive and day-to-day tasks so your employees can focus on their projects. A document management system is a great way to automate your documents by quickly accessing and editing templates rather than creating entirely new documents for each use.  Your company can efficiently tackle repetitive tasks such as data entry with automation tools.

Creative Tools

Creative collaboration tools could include brainstorming software or design and editing tools. Utilizing a suite of digital devices such as Adobe for business allows your employees to comment quickly and edit, share and track documents. Your company’s digital assets should be stored, tracked, and shared efficiently, so no creative work is lost during the project.

Organizational Tools

Managing a team of remote workers can be difficult, especially when everyone works on different projects at different times. Organizational and logistical tools can help your team stay on task and keep projects organized. Project management systems can ensure every employee understands their role and duties to complete. These tools can include time tracking software, project management software, file-sharing platforms, etc.

Third-Party Software

As your company goes remote, you may find it more financially efficient to hire third-party services to manage certain aspects of your company. For example, an HR management system can make it easy for employees to request PTO, and these systems can securely store all your company’s benefits data and resources. Project management software, digital workplace suites, and cloud storage systems can be efficiently run using third-party services. If you’re starting a business in 2022 or are looking for opportunities to improve your current company, consider third-party software to help make your business more efficient.

Collaborative software is essential for managing a successful team of remote workers. IF you’re building a remote team, consider utilizing these tools for productivity and efficiency.

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