A cashier is the person who assists you in completing purchases by handling payments at a cash register — found in establishments where transactions are recorded and money is kept securely, such as stores or restaurants.
The cashier scans the items you want to purchase and then accepts your payment either in cash or by card. They deal with handing the customer back any change (if cash is used) and providing a receipt of the purchase. Their job is to ensure that each customer pays the amount they ower for the items they are purchasing.
The term comes from Middle French caissier, which means ‘treasurer‘.
Common Job Responsibilities of a Cashier
Shop cashiers may have some or all of the following duties:

Greeting Customers
Cashiers often say hello to customers and make them feel welcome when they come to the checkout counter. A friendly greeting can make the shopping experience better for everyone.

Scanning Items
The cashier uses a barcode scanner or the cash register to ring up each item the customer is buying. This ensures the price of each item is recorded correctly.

Handling Payments
Cashiers take payment from customers—cash, credit or debit cards, or other forms of payment. They must charge the correct amount, give the right change, and provide a receipt.

Bagging Purchases
After scanning, a cashier often puts the items into bags. They handle items carefully—keeping heavy or sharp items separate from delicate ones like eggs.

Processing Returns
If a customer brings back an item for a refund or exchange, the cashier processes the return transaction. This means following the store’s procedure to return money or swap the item.

Answering Questions
Cashiers answer customers’ questions about prices, products, or store policies. For instance, a customer might ask if an item is on sale, and the cashier assists or directs them.

Managing the Register
Cashiers are responsible for their cash drawer. They often count the money at the beginning and end of their shift to ensure it matches the day’s sales.
Employers say the most important quality for this job is trustworthiness. Cashiers must be trustworthy because they handle cash. They must also be courteous and efficient.
Many young people are cashiers. In fact, the position offers a great opportunity to learn the employer’s business. The post may serve as a stepping stone to other more senior positions.
Cashiers and Self-Checkout Systems
With the advent of self-checkout systems, the role of cashiers in many physical stores has changed. In stores with self-checkout systems, cashiers are typically tasked with assisting customers at the self-checkout kiosks and troubleshooting any issues.

Cashiers still need strong customer service skills in these scenarios, because many customers require assistance with scanning errors, payment issues, or confusion about how to weigh produce.
How the Role Changes
Because self-checkout machines handle a portion of the scanning and payment process, cashiers can shift their focus to more specialized tasks. They might guide customers who are unsure about how to use the self-checkout, troubleshoot technical problems, or verify the ages of customers buying restricted products. Sometimes, cashiers with experience also help with store organization, which may involve restocking shelves, greeting customers at the entrance, or overseeing security checks.
This broader range of duties can make the job more varied. While the rise of self-checkout can reduce the number of cashiers needed at a time, it also highlights how important cashiers still are for customer service, problem-solving, and ensuring a smooth and fair shopping experience for everyone.
Cashiers in E-Commerce
With the growth of online shopping, some “cashiers” now work in roles related to e-commerce. Cashiers in this segment handle customer service inquiries, manage online transactions, and assist with “click and collect” services (where customers order online and pick up in-store).
University Cashier’s Office
At a university, the Cashier’s Office is a section of the Fiscal Services Department. It is responsible for receiving and safeguarding all payments and deposits made to the college.
The Office deals with registration fees, library fines, housing fees, and dining fees. It also deals with parking permits, citation payments, and other miscellaneous payments.
In some countries, people call it the Bursar’s Office.
The Office is also responsible for petty cash reimbursements and faculty and staff payroll distribution. In this context, payroll refers to worker’s wages.
As a verb, the term means to dismiss a person from a military organization. They also lose their honor in the dismissal.
A cashier’s check (British: cheque) is a check that a bank guarantees. The money has been drawn directly from the customer’s account.