Saint Jean Carbon Inc., an exploration-stage junior resource company, is building the first prototype graphene gel salt water batteries. The new batteries will last longer and charge faster than current ones. Theoretically, the company says that the batteries might even last indefinitely.
The company aims to have a series of three full production batteries completed and ready for launch in spring 2020.
Salt water batteries
Scientists have been researching salt water batteries for approximately five years. Continued advancement hit a roadblock because of their limited voltage capacity compared with Lithium batteries.
Graphene has given research a new impetus. According to a Saint Jean press release:
“Now with the use of graphene in a highly concentrated salt water gel, graphene can now be used without worry of the graphene restacking, which would reduce the intercalation rate.”
“Salt water batteries are much safer, won’t burn and have significantly less raw material cost.”
Saint Jean plans to build out a ‘flex’ production line which will allow companies to share in the facility. Companies will pay a fee to use it. Saint Jean’s first production will focus on three battery types:
- High energy density automotive/motorcycle.
- Large stationary storage.
- Small portable devices.
Salt water batteries will give Saint Jean an edge
Saint Jean’s CEO, Paul Ogilvie, said:
“With all the great projects we are working on, both on material development and actual design build applications, the battery production project seems like a natural step as we continue to build a carbon science company with a unique model of raw material through to finished products. We hope this continues to give us a competitive advantage in the future.”
The company says that throughout the year, it will provide updates on the battery production process.
About graphene
Graphene is the lightest, thinnest, and strongest material in the world. Scientists say that it is over two-hundred times stronger than our strongest steel.
It is the best conductor of electricity and heat. It is also the perfect barrier – not even helium can pass through it.
Being just one atom thick, experts say it is the only truly two-dimensional material on Earth.
About Saint Jean Carbon Inc.
Saint Jean Carbon Inc. is a publicly traded science company. It has interests in green energy creation, green re-creation, and energy storage. It has holdings in lithium claims and graphite mining in Quebec, Canada.