How To Properly Manage Injuries

As we grow older, our body’s ability to heal itself becomes less reliable. What this means is that a broken bone or a severe injury is more likely to leave a mark on your body even after it has fully healed. Recovery can be difficult also because adults have responsibilities and obligations that they may not be able to fulfill when injured.

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Injury management is a form of corporate healthcare that helps injured employees recover and get back to work in a safe and comfortable manner. Depending on where you live, there will be different laws related to how a company has to help its employees with injury management. In most cases, a company will have a medical management team consisting of professional doctors who can guide them through the process.

It is important for employers to assemble a capable injury management team. A good team will provide the best guidance through the management process and help manage your overall costs as well. Ascot Family Practice & Doctors at Northgate is a great option for help in injury management.

For an employer to be able to provide proper injury management, it is important for them to understand the importance of injury management. Having a clear grasp of the process will help with its implementation.

What Makes Injury Management Important?

An injury management plan provides your employees with support and help as they go through their recovery process. it provides financial, psychological, and physical benefits that will keep your employee happy and also help them recover faster. Good injury management will help you get your employee back on track quickly and minimize workplace disruption. It will also help you avoid a lawsuit from your employee if you were responsible for their injury.

The Process

Injury management is an entire process that needs to be understood in order for it to be implemented correctly.

The process starts when an injury occurs. Upon being injured, your employee will need attention from a certified medical practitioner. The practitioner will diagnose them and provide guidance on the best course of action. If needed, the practitioner may even issue a Workers Compensation First Medical Certificate outlining when should an employee return to work.

Depending on the kind of injury and the time needed to recover, a work return program will be made for the employee. This program will be made with the help of a medical practitioner to ensure that it keeps the employee’s recovery a priority. Once the employee is cleared for returning to work, certain steps will be taken by the company to make their workplace suitable for the employee.

Upon the employee’s return, ongoing management will be needed. The employee’s medical history and the process will be shared with supervisors. As the employee will return to their routine, the company will have to remain in contact with their injury management team. They will be able to guide the company on how to help the employee return to their regular level of productivity. Certain changes may need to be made to the employee’s responsibilities as well in order to help them reach their former productivity levels.

Once the employee has completely assimilated to their work routine, the injury management process will reach finalization. The employee can return to work normally and continue doing their tasks.

What Should Employees Know About Injury Management?

Modern-day work policies are designed to provide employees with a variety of support. Companies can no longer let go of an employee simply because they were unable to return to work due to an injury. Not only is this unethical, but it can also be illegal in certain areas.

Should you become injured, your employer must help you with your recovery. This is a great thing for employees since you don’t have to worry about your job being jeopardized. In order to recover from an injury, you need time, financial support, and guidance from a doctor. An injury management plan will help provide you with all three.

Once you sustain an injury, you may not be able to go to your workplace for some time. Even if you can return to work after treatment, there’s a pretty good chance that you will not be able to function as you would normally. Your productivity may go down or you may not be able to work for your entire shift.

Ideally, your company will arrange medical help for you immediately. Even if they don’t, you should seek out a doctor and inform your employer about your situation. Once the injury management program will start, a plan of action will be devised that will help you get through your recovery comfortably.

A good injury management program creates a win-win situation for everyone. Your employer will get their employee back in action as soon as possible, reducing disruption in their workflow. You will be able to recover from your injury without having to worry about your livelihood and finances. And once you get back to work, you will be given some breathing room that will help you get back on your feet again.

In case you receive an injury while you’re at your place of work, you will become even more entitled to an injury management plan. In situations like these, if your employer isn’t supportive, you can even file a lawsuit against them.


Sustaining an injury can be a hassle if you’re employed somewhere and you have responsibilities to fulfill. An injured person needs time to rest and recover. An injury management plan provides employees with breathing space by supporting them through their recovery period. Injury management involves coming up with a process that will provide injured employees with medical and financial assistance as they get back on their feet.

A sound injury management plan helps a person recover and get back to work as soon as possible. It makes the recovery process less daunting for an employee. It also helps employers keep their employees around without having to disrupt their workflow.

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