
18:09 BST, September 3, 2020

5 Things to do in Case of a Car Accident

Did you know that there were more than 6.7 million motor vehicle crashes in 2018? According to data provided by U.S. Department of Transportation, the crashes […]
18:16 BST, September 2, 2020

Bad weather car crash claims

Car crash claims relating to bad weather conditions lead many people to question whether they are able to start a personal injury compensation claim. Today, we’re […]
22:59 BST, August 14, 2020

Why cheapest isn’t always best when it comes to private hire insurance

When paying for any type of product or service, everyone wants to get a great deal. Although, it is common knowledge that if you want a […]
01:28 BST, August 14, 2020

Car Insurance – Know the right steps to claim after an accident

We buy our dream car after a lot of thinking, analyzing, and comparing. We make a smart decision by choosing the right insurance. Although no one […]
05:43 BST, August 13, 2020

Things To Consider While Buying a Second Health insurance Plan

Our healthcare sector is getting modernized with advanced equipment, which is giving rise to medical expenses in our country. Even if, you have bought health insurance, […]
16:27 BST, August 12, 2020

Top 5 small business insurance solutions of 2020

Insurance comparison websites like Insuranks are doing a good job in providing small business insurance solutions, however, there are few other great solutions that you should […]