Elon Musk deactivates Tesla and SpaceX company Facebook pages

Elon Musk had the official Tesla and SpaceX company Facebook pages deactivated after being challenged by his followers to have the pages taken down amid the #deletefacebook movement.

Before the pages were deactivated they had more than 2.6 million Likes and Follows.

It started on Twitter when a user asked Musk to delete the SpaceX page on Facebook.

Musk responded to the tweet saying that he “didn’t realise” that his SpaceX brand had a Facebook page. “Literally never seen it even once,” he wrote on Twitter. “Will be gone soon.”

Another user shared a photo with Musk of Tesla’s official page on Facebook and asked if it should also be taken down. Musk wrote back: “Definitely. Looks lame anyway.”

The pages were taken down within minutes of his posts.

The actions make Musk the highest-profile figure in the tech industry to cut company ties with Facebook after it was reported that Cambridge Analytics, a firm that worked for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, harvested personal data from 50 million Facebook users without users’ knowledge or consent.

Facebook used SpaceX in 2016 to launch a communications satellite. However, the satellite, valued at over $200 million, was destroyed because the rocket exploded on the launch pad.

After Musk deactivated the Tesla and SpaceX Facebook pages a reported tweeted “@elonmusk blew up Mark Zuckerberg’s satellite,” Mr Must replied: “Yeah, my fault for being an idiot. We did give them a free launch to make up for it and I think they had some insurance.”