Atheism as old as belief in God or Gods and all religions
Atheism is as old as belief in God or Gods, or virtually all kinds of religion, and is not the result of the European...
Japan launches satellite to study black holes and genesis of galaxies
Japan launched a satellite to study black holes, the genesis (origin) of galaxies and other cosmic mega-structures in deep space on Wednesday, the country’s...
Incredible Superman memory crystals store data for over 13 billion years
Incredible Superman memory crystals can store data for over 13 billion years, in fact, they can store data for longer than the age of...
Samsung’s latest teaser video hints at S7 water-resistance
A video uploaded by Samsung suggests that its upcoming flagship S7 smartphone will be water-resistant.
The South-Korean tech giant posted a video on Twitter which...
Aston Martin developing Britain’s first luxury electric car, forms partnership with China’s LeEco
Aston Martin has partnered with Chinese electronics giant 'LeEco' to develop Britain’s very first luxury full-electric car. The partnership was announced at a news conference...
Neanderthals and modern humans mated 100000 years ago
Neanderthals and modern humans mated 100000 years ago, considerably earlier than 60,000 years ago when modern humans first ventured out of Africa, which is...
Fairy tales teach smart robots not to harm us and to be nice
If you want a super smart robot not to harm us and to be nice you should consider telling it fairy tales, just like...
UFO cluster in Kent has locals wondering but MOD says not them
A UFO cluster in Kent, England, on Sunday had locals wondering what on Earth they were, while the MOD (Ministry of Defense) said it...
Spectacular timelapse Sun activity video over one year
A spectacular timelapse Sun activity video, which shows all movements over the course of one year, has been released by NASA. The Sun is...
Huge dinosaur in high street frightened locals in drunken prank
A huge dinosaur model frightened locals after drunken pranksters are believed to have moved it from the garden of a shop that sells gems...