
HSBC logo

HSBC reports first-quarter profit of $7.1 billion

HSBC announced that first-quarter profit rose by 4.4 percent to $7.1 billion, beating analysts’ expectations. Europe’s largest bank, which is considering moving its base outside...
Jesus Christ

Jesus as a child image revealed by Italian police using Turin Shroud data

Italian police investigators used the Turin Shroud image to generate a photo-fit image of Jesus Christ as child. They applied a technique that reverses the...

Rapid Antarctic ice melt may bring 10ft sea level rise by 2100

Antarctica’s ice is melting at an accelerating rate. Simulations of events dating back millions of years have led scientists to conclude that sea levels...
blue whale pic

Rorqual whales have nerves like bungee cords that stretch and recoil

Rorqual Whales have an amazing nerve structure in their mouths and tongues that can stretch out to double their length and recoil like a...

Strange whistling and hissing sound 22 miles above Earth baffles NASA

Strange hissing and whistling sounds that have been picked up 22 miles above Earth by a NASA student balloon have left the US space...

Lufthansa first quarter results better than expected

Lufthansa posted an improvement in first-quarter earnings on Tuesday. Lower fuel costs offset the effects of a weak euro. However, the German airline said that further...
India rapid drift

Himalayas were formed when a continent collided with Eurasia at high speed

Researchers can now explain how and when the Himalayas were formed, and why India drifted at such high speed. It all started about 120 years...
conveyor belt with cardboard boxes

US factory orders increased in March, first rise in eight months

US factory orders increased in March after seven consecutive months of declines, according to the US Commerce Department. The rebound was boosted by demand for...
First espresso ever in space

Italian astronaut has first Espresso coffee brewed in space, while wearing Star Trek outfit

Wearing a Star Trek uniform for the occasion, Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti became the first human to consume a coffee espresso in space. On...
Giant exoplanet

Giant exoplanet orbiting small star challenges ideas about planet formation

Researchers have discovered a huge exoplanet, about the size of Jupiter (317.8 Earth mass), orbiting super-close to a small cool star approximately 500 light...