
Greater cyber security may save world economy trillions of dollars

Cyber security needs to be improved, otherwise the global economy may be facing a growing number of cyberattacks which could costs trillions of dollars,...

Chinese exports linked to pollution levels in USA

When Chinese exports to the US and Europe rise, so do levels of pollution that blow across the Pacific Ocean, researchers from the University...
Wealth inequality

85 richest people own the same wealth as 3.5 billion

A tiny elite, the 85 richest people in the world, own the wealth shared by almost half of the world’s population, says charity organization...

Chinese economy grew by 7.7% in Q4 2013

During the fourth quarter of 2013 the Chinese economy grew by 7.7%, matching 2012’s growth rate and showing signs of stabilizing, the National Bureau...
bank of england

UK Real wages set to rise

After a decade of weak earnings growth, low productivity and years of high inflation, Ben Broadbent, an external member of the Monetary Committee of...

Cruise line industry forecasts strong 2014

The cruise line industry forecasts 21.7 million passengers will take cruises in 2014, compared to 21.3 million in 2013. The fastest growing cruise source markets...

Global energy demand to rise 41% by 2035

Global energy demand is forecast to rise by 41% between 2012 and 2035, according to a new report BP Energy Outlook 2034 (Outlook), which...

2013 German current account surplus a world record

The German current account surplus for 2013, likely to have exceeded €200 billion ($270 billion) in 2013, was a world record. The country exported a...

Minimizing conflicts within top teams of companies

Stanford researchers have shown in a new study how to minimize conflicts within top teams of companies, a problem that can damage businesses, especially...

Shell profit warning after disappointing Q4 2013

Anglo-Dutch Oil Giant, Royal Dutch Shell, the world’s second-biggest publicly traded oil company, shocked market analysts after issuing a profit warning, saying it has...