Do I Have to Report My Car Accident?

When you’re hurt in a car accident, you may not be sure where to start or who to tell about your injuries. You may not even know whether you need to report your car accident at all. However, it can hurt your claim to avoid reporting, and the report can help you in court.

Car accident awareness image 454444If you’re not sure whether you need to report your car accident, consider the requirements for reporting and what you can do with that report. Car accidents can be expensive, so make sure you have all the evidence you need for your claim.

Reporting Requirements

New York typically expects you to file a car accident claim for most crashes. If anyone was injured, or if the damage to any individual totals over $1,000, you may need to file an accident report.

This can help you even if your insurance policy should cover the costs of your accident. If there are any disputes about how the accident happened or who was at fault, you can defer to this report for answers. You’ll simply need to act within ten days to file your report.

Penalties for Failing to Report a Car Accident

If you don’t file a car accident report, what’s the worst that could happen? Unfortunately, plenty can happen. Failing to report an accident where someone was injured or killed is a criminal offense. You could be charged and even face incarceration if you fail to call the police and report the accident.

It can also affect your lawsuit. That report may be valuable evidence, but you may not have realized how severe the damage was until later. If you didn’t file, you may have a harder time building a claim and getting your fair settlement, on top of being in legal trouble.

Getting Your Car Crash Report

An accident report can help me in the courtroom - image 49939929After you report your car accident, you’ll need to get a copy of that report for your records and your lawsuit. This report could contain important evidence for your claim, especially since any officers on the scene will also have to include information in the report.

Getting the report, fortunately, is simple. Typically, the easiest way to get the report is to request a copy online. Your New York City car accident lawyer can help you get a PDF copy of this report. If you’d prefer to get a copy in person, you can also call or visit the precinct where the car accident occurred.

Using Your Report as Evidence in the Courtroom

When you head to the courtroom, your car accident report could be a useful piece of evidence when you’re seeking compensation. Your attorney can use this evidence to back up your claims, especially if the police officer on the scene also made a statement about the accident.

If the at-fault party is trying to put the blame on you, make sure you take the right steps to avoid blame. With your car accident report, you may have a better chance of recovering compensation and overcoming your losses after a car accident.


Interesting related article: “Focus on car accident awareness to protect yourself and others.”