Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Jesus Christ probably looked like this

Jesus Christ had much darker skin than depictions by famous artists

Jesus Christ had much darker skin that what is portrayed in nearly all the famous paintings in Europe and North America, including portraits by...
Elon Musk warning of World War III threat

World War III threat is with us constantly, says Elon Musk

The threat of World War III is with us constantly, says Elon Musk, the business magnate, engineer, CEO of Tesla Motors, CEO and CTO...
UK Space Agency announces National Space Policy

National Space Policy places UK on global stage at last

The country’s first National Space Policy places the UK firmly on the global stage for future space programmes, the UK Space Agency announced on...

Death Star a la Star Wars style made from asteroids, says NASA scientist

If you want to make a Death Star like the one in Star Wars, you don’t do so out of thin air, like the...
Storm Desmond satellite image

Storm Desmond partly caused by climate change, say Oxford scientists

Storm Desmond, which caused devastating flooding in parts of northern England, Scotland, and some areas in Ireland, was probably partly caused by climate change,...
Urine Socks green renewable energy

Urine socks generate electricity and power wireless transmitter

A pair of wearable urine socks can generate electricity and power a wireless transmitter to send a Wi-Fi signal to a personal computer. The...
Geminid meteor shower one of the best specatacles for amateur astronomers

Geminid Meteor Shower peaks on Sunday and Monday says Met Office

The spectacular Geminid Meteor Shower, which comes as regular as clockwork at this time of year, peaks on Sunday and Monday, the 13th and 14th of...
Global warming pic

Global climate change deal to mark end of fossil fuel era imminent

A global climate change deal to mark the end of the fossil fuel era is imminent, said negotiators at the 2015 United Nations Climate...
Vladimir Putin and Ian Blatchford

Vladimir Putin awards Medal of Pushkin to Science Museum head, Ian Blatchford

Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded the Medal of Pushkin to Ian Blatchford, Director of the Science Museum in London, who oversaw the hugely...
Optical illusion freaks you out

This optical illusion will freak you out, just one object is real

This optical illusion will freak you out, say more than 850,000 people who have watched a YouTube video showing several objects, when in fact...