Fast radio burst mystery perhaps finally solved, say scientists
The fast radio burst mystery which has baffled scientists for the past ten years may be finally solved, a team of astronomers and astrophysicists...
Strange three-horned giraffe-like animal named after Star Wars queen Amidala
A strange three-horned, giraffe-like animal with fangs, that lived in Europe 15 million years ago, has been named Xenokeryx amidalae, after Padmé Amidala who...
British astronaut Tim Peake to spend 1 month longer at ISS
Major Tim Peake, the British astronaut who blasts off to the International Space Station (ISS) on 15th December, will spend one month longer in...
Sun superflare with 100 billion megaton bomb force could cause disaster on Earth
A Sun superflare with the energy equivalent of a 100 billion megaton bomb could cause disaster on Earth – it could severely disrupt our...
British birds one quarter under threat of extinction and placed on Red List
Over one quarter of the 244 species of British birds are today under threat of extinction and are now of ‘highest conservation concern’, says Birds...
Global warming may reduce oxygen levels and we’d all suffocate, study warns
Global warming could cause Earth’s atmospheric oxygen levels to drop dramatically, due to a change in the temperature of the oceans, and we would...
Richest 10% produce half carbon emissions, poorest 3.5 billion produce one tenth
The world’s richest 10% produce about half of all carbon emissions, while the poorest 3.5 billion people account for only one tenth of all...
Hunter-gatherer campsites depicted in 13,800 year-old engraving discovered in Spain
Hunter-gatherer campsites depicted in a 13,800 year-old schist slab engraving have been discovered in northeastern Spain, according to scientists from the Catalan Institute of...
Colossal dinosaurs existed in Scotland 170 million years ago
Colossal dinosaurs existed in Scotland about 170 million years ago, scientists at the University of Edinburgh announced after discovering huge footprints and handprints of...
Taller humans have shorter lifespans because DNA changes with body size
Taller humans have shorter lifespans than shorter people because DNA that is linked to ageing and lifespan changes as body size gets bigger, say...