Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Geminoid F the super sexy robot

Robot makes eye contact said to be sexiest ever

An incredibly-human like robot that makes eye contact and is said to be ‘the world’s sexiest’ has been by far the largest crowd-puller at...
Birds migrating to poles or higher altitudes

Birds moving towards poles and higher ground as their habitats get warmer

Birds across the world have been migrating towards the poles or higher ground because climate change has started to warm up their habitats, says...
LISA Pathfinder

Scottish scientists sending kit to space to test an Einstein theory

Scottish scientists are sending a special kit they have built into space in an attempt to crack one of Albert Einstein’s theories – to...
SpaceX Falcon 9 chunk of Scilly

Large SpaceX Falcon 9 chunk found off Isles of Scilly

A large chunk of SpaceX Falcon 9, Elon Musk’s doomed rocked which blew up after lift-off, has been found in sea off the Isles...
Owning an asteroid and mining it

Owning materials from an asteroid now legal in United States

Owning materials from an asteroid is now legal in the Unites States, after President Barack Obama signed the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act...
Climate Change pic

Climate change worries Britons more now than 5 years ago

Britons are more worried today about climate change, with thirty-eight percent of respondents in a survey saying that global warming concerns them more now...
UK Science Budget

UK Science Budget to rise with inflation, scientists breathe sigh of relief

The UK Science Budget of £4.7 billion will rise with inflation, Chancellor George Osborne announced in Parliament on 25th November. British scientists breathed a...
Common Starling drowning

Starlings drowning in groups of 10 or more, a troubling mystery

Starlings across the UK are drowning in groups of ten or more, and scientists say they are still baffled by this troubling mystery after...
deceitful humans many years ago

Treacherous and deceitful humans spread rapidly across the world

Humans have a treacherous and deceitful dark side, which partly explains why we spread so rapidly across the world, says an archaeologist at the...
Carbon dioxide emissions pic

Global carbon dioxide emissions growth tails off, says European Commission

Global carbon dioxide emissions growth has tailed off, after increasing rapidly for several years, says the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). Global carbon...