Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

giant fireball thumbnail

Meteorite hunt underway from giant fireball, could be worth a lot of money

A giant fireball was seen flying over Britain and Ireland on Sunday evening. The meteor is believed to have crashed somewhere in Ireland or...
Hyperion thumbnail

Saturn moon Hyperion looks like a porous sea sponge in stunning image

When unmanned spacecraft Cassini flew by Hyperion, one of Saturn’s outer moons, it took this stunning image of the potato-shaped celestial body that looks like a...
Ceres with two mysterious bright lights

Ceres mysterious bright spot – NASA wants your opinion

NASA is calling on members of the public to vote on what they think the mysterious bright spot is on the dwarf planet Ceres,...
Universe map slice from 3D

3D map of Universe most comprehensive yet, spans nearly 2bn light years

The most comprehensive 3D map of the Universe has been created by astrophysicists from Canada and France, who say it spans almost two billion...
MSo2 thumbnail

MoS2 performance improved dramatically with boron nitride encapsulation, like graphene

The performance of 2-dimensional material MoS2 (molybdenum disulfide) can be significantly improved by encapsulation in boron nitride, say scientists from the US, Japan, Denmark...
Messenger spacecraft

NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft about to crash into Mercury at 8750 mph

NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft, which left Earth in 2004 to study Mercury, will crash into the planet’s surface as soon as it runs out of propellant,...
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi thumbnail

T-Rex cousin Chilesaurus, a vegetarian, has scientists baffled

A seven-year old boy Diego Suárez discovered the bones of a turkey-sized cousin of T-Rex - Chilesaurus diegosuarezi - that was vegetarian and lived at the...
Hologram Universe

The Universe may be a hologram

Describing the Universe may not require as many dimensions as people think. According to new calculations, this may be a fundamental feature of space...
Hot weather

75% of very hot days due to man-made global warming, study claims

Man-made global warming is currrently responsible for 75% of extremely hot days across the world, say two Swiss scientists, who added that we are...
UK oldest tree

4,000 year-old Ashbrittle Yew, UK’s oldest tree, may be dying, says churchwarden

Britain’s oldest tree, a 4,000 year-old Ashbrittle Yew, which is also the oldest living organism in the country, could be dying, churchwarden of the...