Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Crew Stasis

Astronauts hibernating in space may become possible, says European Space Agency

Astronauts hibernating in space would mean spaceships could be made smaller and would not have to carry so much water and food, says the European...
Glitter Mirror thumbnail

Glitter clouds rather than mirrors make for more nimble orbiting telescopes

Using glitter clouds instead of mirrors for stargazing telescopes would be much cheaper and make for easier-to-deploy orbiting instruments, NASA says. Telescopes could have reflective...
Sea waves colliding thumbnail

Planet Earth hums and now scientists know why – ocean waves colliding

The Earth has a low-frequency hum that has baffled scientists for many years. We cannot hear it, but seismic instruments have been detecting it...
Colours in twilight

Animals’ body clocks influenced by colours

Animal’s body clocks – how they biologically measure the time - are affected not just by how much light there is, but also by...
Dwarf star shreds planet

White dwarf star tore planet apart, Italian scientists believe

A white dwarf star was seen tearing a planet apart at the edge of our galaxy, the Milky Way, by astronomers. A white dwarf...

Nessie sighting claim cost Natural History Museum top scientist his job

In 1959, the Natural History Museum’s principal scientific officer, Dr. Denys Tucker (1921-2009), said he saw Nessie the Loch Ness Monster, a claim which...
Man made photosynthesis

Artificial photosynthesis breakthrough a potential game-changer for carbon capture

A major artificial photosynthesis breakthrough could be a huge game-changer for addressing human-induced climate change by capturing CO2 emissions before they are vented into the...
Carina Nebula Mystic Mountain

Hubble Space Telescope celebrates 25th birthday on 24 April

Exactly 25 years ago on 24 April, the Hubble Space Telescope was taken into orbit by Space Shuttle Discovery in what was at the...

Dark matter not so ‘dark’ after all, seen interacting with non-gravity force

Dark matter, something we cannot see with telescopes or detect with instruments, but know it is there because of its gravitational effects on visible...
Human bone remains

Early Britons were cannibals, Gough’s Cave remains suggest

Ice Age Britons were cannibals, evidence from human remains collected from Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge suggests. Researchers from the Natural History Museum, University...