Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Hybrid images

Blair-Thatcher, Monroe-Einstein – hybrid images for eyesight testing

If you mix images of Tony Blair with Margaret Thatcher or Albert Einstein with Marilyn Monroe, combining low spatial frequency components of one with...
FRB telescope live

Radio bursts too precise to be random, must be from alien intelligence

If you were a Morse code clerk receiving messages and came across something that could not be random, you would think it was from...
two tone veins in Mars

Mars wet past more recent than previously thought, Curiosity finds

NASA’s Curiosity rover has found evidence of liquid movement further up a mountain in Mars, which scientists say suggests the Red Planet had liquid more...

Hybrid Einstein-Monroe image tells you if you need glasses

An Einstein-Monroe hybrid image that combines low spatial frequency components of a photo of Marilyn Monroe and high spatial frequency components of an image of...
American Museum of Natural History

Extremophiles thrive in ultra harsh environments, exhibition at American Museum of Natural History

Extremophiles are organisms that thrive in geochemically and physically extreme conditions including boiling liquid, super acid pools, extremely low temperatures, and even the vacuum and...
Triassic marine life

Toxic and oxygen-starved oceans caused mass extinction 200 million years ago

Two hundred million years ago, half of all plant, animal and marine life became extinct, and evidence shows that oxygen-depleted toxic oceans played a...
Blackpoll Warbler pic

Tiny songbird completes incredible 1500 mile fly-or-die migration every year

A tiny songbird, the 0.42 oz (12 gram) Blackpoll Warbler flies from 1,410 to 1,720 miles (2270 to 2770 km) over the sea non-stop...
Welder at LHC

Large Hadron Collider set to restart after short circuit problem fixed

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hardon Collider (LHC), is set to restart this weekend after scientists fixed a short circuit...
Jonathan Franzen

Birds matter more than renewable energy schemes, says Jonathan Franzen

American novelist and essayist Jonathan Franzen argues that birds matter more than renewable energy schemes aimed at combating climate change and ultimately protecting humans....
Precursors to cluster galaxies

Source of galaxy clusters discovered by cosmologists

Cosmologists believe they have discovered the source of the vast cluster of galaxies we see today, after combining observational data of the distant Universe...