Mystifying giant plume above Mars leaves astronomers bewildered
Amateur astronomers across the world spotted a giant cloud-like plume more than 200 km (124 m) above the boundary of day and night (the...
Is a tiny ball filled with DNA an alien seed of life?
A British astrobiologist found a tiny metal globe full of biological material he and his colleagues believe could be an alien seed of life...
Massive bulging cloud like plume seen above Mars horizon baffles astronomers
A huge bulge, the highest cloud-like plume ever observed, was spotted above the “terminator” of Mars, the boundary between day and night on the...
100 Mars voyage hopefuls announced today by Mars One
It started off with 202,586 applicants hoping to join the one-way voyage to Mars and being part of a permanent settlement, but now stands...
Twelve horrible ways life on Earth could end listed by experts
Scientists from the University of Oxford and the Global Challenges Foundation have listed 12 potentially catastrophic global risks that could destroy human life on...
Spy agencies using weather warfare against other nations alarms climate expert
The prospect of spy agencies such as the CIA using weaponized weather to destabilize hostile nations worries Professor Alan Robock, from the Department of...
New particle more exciting than Higgs boson may be detected in 2015
A new particle that is even more exciting than the Higgs boson could be detected this year, a Large Hadron Collider scientist said at...
Black hole impact discovered by Interstellar movie visual effects team
The team that did the visual effects in Christopher Nolan’s epic Oscar-nominated movie Interstellar have, through their computer code, provided astronomers new insights into...
Twelve risks that could destroy humankind
A report has listed the twelve greatest global risks that could kill off humans, ranging from an asteroid collision, nuclear war, a global pandemic,...
Banning fishing in high seas would benefit Canada plus several other nations
Canada along with several other countries would be better off if fishing in the high seas were banned, a study led by researchers from...