Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.


Using viruses to grow nanowires boosts performance of energy-dense batteries

A team of US researchers has found a way to improve the performance of lithium-air batteries - they used modified viruses to grow unusual...
wind energy

Does wind energy pose a threat to wildlife?

As a means of harnessing renewable energy, wind turbines tick many of the right boxes - but a new study from the US raises...
Solar cells

Solar cells – efficiency improves with new approach

An international group led by the Universities of York and St Andrews in the UK has found a way to improve solar cells so...

Straw as energy source underestimated

Straw from agriculture could supply energy to many millions of households, researchers at the TLL (Thueringian regional institute for agriculture), the DBFZ (German biomass...
renewable energy

Renewable energy can cut pollution and saves money

If the Western U.S. installed more solar and wind power plants, it could gain in two ways: 1. Save money. 2. Reduce pollution. That is...
Solar manufacturing costs

Solar manufacturing costs driven by production scale, not labor costs

A new study by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and NREL (Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory) has shown that solar manufacturing costs are...

Are women less corrupt than men? Depends on cultural expectations

Are women less corrupt than men? There is definitely a relationship between gender and corruption. However, it all depends on cultural expectations, according to political...
Wind turbines

Do wind turbines affect property values? No

There is no evidence that wind turbines affect residential property values negatively, according to a study carried out at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory...

Encourage recycling by changing packaging

Why is recycling such a big problem nowadays? Why is it that some people don’t see a need to recycle or lack motivation?  New research...