Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Robot created for future missions to Red Planet

Robot looks like human created for Mars missions by Scottish scientists

A team of Scottish scientists has created a robot that looks like a human, intended for future NASA Mars missions. The humanoid machine –...
Quantum computing IBM quantum processor

IBM quantum processor available to public to run experiments

IBM says it has made its quantum processor available to the public on IBM Cloud so that users can run experiments. The American multinational...
Valkyrie the humanoid robot for Mars missions

Humanoid robot for Mars missions developed by Edinburgh scientists and NASA

A humanoid robot is being developed by Edinburgh scientists and NASA in preparation for Mars missions. The robot - called Valkyrie – is 1.8...
Carl Jones conservation biologist

Carl Jones wins conservation prize for saving animal species

Professor Carl Jones, from Carmarthen in Wales, has won this year’s prestigious conservation prize – the 2016 Indianapolis Prize – for saving at least...
Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for gravitational wave detection

Britons among Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics winners

Britons were among the Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics winners, the Prize’s Selection Committee announced yesterday. The Committee has awarded a Special Breakthrough...
An alien fortress or just Moon rock

Fortress on Moon proof aliens exist claim UFO enthusiasts

A fortress has been spotted on the Moon, claims a group of alien enthusiasts, who posted a video on YouTube saying that at last...
Patricia Espinosa UN climate chief

Mexican Patricia Espinosa new head of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Patricia Espinosa, the current Mexican Ambassador to Germany, has been nominated by Ban Ki-moon, UN General-Secretary, to be the new head of the U.N....
Unbearably hot climate refugee numbers set to explode by 2050

Climate refugee numbers from North Africa and Middle East will explode say scientists

Climate refugee numbers from the Middle East and North Africa are set to explode, says an international team of scientists, as temperatures become unbearably...

Smallest machine ever the ANT few billionth of a metre in size

The smallest machine ever, just a few billionths of a metre in size, called ANT (actuating nano-transducer), has been created by a team of...
Habitable planets around a dwarf star

Three planets in habitable zone near tiny dwarf star discovered

Three Earth-sized planets have been discovered orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star in the habitable zone, also called the Goldilocks zone, by a team of...