Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Falcon 9 the rocket of SpaceX supplies ISS

SpaceX won contract to supply International Space Station worth 700m dollars

SpaceX won a $700 million contract with NASA involving five re-supply launches to the International Space Station (ISS), which brings Elon Musks’ California-based rocket...
Fast radio burst detected and pinpointed for first time ever

Mysterious fast radio burst from a galaxy 6 billion light years away

A mysterious fast radio burst has been pinpointed as coming from a galaxy 6 billion light years (1.9 billion parsecs) away. Curious bright blasts...
New version of Atlas robot is incredible

Amazing robot Atlas stays up after heavy weight hits it hard

An amazing robot called Atlas stays standing up even after a heavy metal ball swings into it. The anthropomorphic (humanoid) robot, which is designed...
Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko soon to complete 1 year in space

Physical toll of a year in space for Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko

After Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko spent a whole year in space, their bodies will have experienced cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurobehavioral and other alterations. They...
Died or Moved on

150000 penguins presumed dead maybe joined other colonies

The 150000 penguins that had been presumed dead because a massive iceberg landlocked them, may simply have wandered off to join other colonies and...
Fireball explodes over the Atlantic ocean

Fireball exploded over Atlantic equivalent to 13000 tons of TNT

A fireball exploded over the Atlantic Ocean with the force of 13000 tons of TNT, making it the most powerful event since the Chelyabinsk...
Photonic Propulsion used to get from Earth to Mars quickly

Earth to Mars in just 3 days with photonic propulsion using laser power

An Earth to Mars manned mission could take just 3 days to get to the Red Planet with photonic propulsion technology, which uses lasers...
Coastal flooding will get much worse as the global sea level rises

Sea level rising at breakneck speed breaks 2800 year record scientists shocked

The global sea level is rising at breakneck speed, it broke a 2800 year record in the 20th century, says an international team of...
Seagull attacks form part of the seagull study

Seagull study by psychologists to see how they interact with humans

A seagull study by a group of psychology undergraduates to see how urban gulls and humans interact and why the birds behave the way...
Fossil Doedicurus

Giant armadillos size of cars roamed South America 12000 years ago

Giant armadillos the size of cars roamed South America for millions of years until 12000 years ago, says a team of scientists, who say...