Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Tim Peake and City of Norwich School

Tim Peake and City of Norwich School chat through Amateur Radio system

British astronaut Tim Peake talked to ten students from the City of Norwich School in England from the International Space Station thanks to an...
Asteroid tiny chance of hitting planet Earth

Asteroid could crash into us says NASA after rethink

Asteroid 2013 TX68, which is 100 feet wide, could crash into us although it is highly unlikely, says NASA after having a rethink and...
Graphene wallpaper could revolutionise electricity generation

Amazing graphene wallpaper could power your home from waste light or heat

An amazing graphene wallpaper that could power your home from electricity generated from waste light or heat, even in dim conditions, is being developed...
We need pollinating animals

Pollinating animals declining alarmingly global food supply under threat

The global food supply, which relies heavily on pollinating animals such as bees, butterflies, birds and beetles, is under threat because populations of these...
Lava lake below the intrepid climber

Breathtaking lava lake filmed by drone sent by volcano expert in Congo

The world’s largest lava lake has been filmed by a drone sent by seasoned volcanologist Bradley Ambrose – it took breathtaking images of the...
Amazing frozen canyons captured by New Horizons camera

Spectacular frozen canyons of Pluto North Pole

A spectacular scene of amazing frozen canyons at Pluto’s North Pole, that was captured in an enhanced color image by NASA’s New Horizon’s spacecraft,...
Engraved shale pendant 11000 old

Amazing 11000 year old engraved shale pendant discovered in North Yorkshire

Archaeologist have discovered an amazing 11000 year old engraved shale pendant at Star Carr, the Early Mesolithic site in North Yorkshire. They say the...
Global warming

Global warming did indeed slow at beginning of 21st century

The bitter debate between those who believe global warming is here - they think we are the cause and it is getting worse -...
Fast Radio Burst pinpointed by scientists for first time

Strange radio burst located for first time came from galaxy 6bn light years away

We have been detecting strange radio bursts for several years, but never knew where they came from, that is until now. An international team...
Giant UFO near Jupiter and its moons

Alien mother ship filmed near Jupiter moon Europa says UFO seeker

A British UFO seeker says he filmed an alien mother ship near Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons – this news has turned the conspiracy...