Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Fairy tales should be told to smart robots so that they do not do us harm one day

Fairy tales teach smart robots not to harm us and to be nice

If you want a super smart robot not to harm us and to be nice you should consider telling it fairy tales, just like...
UFO cluster seen in sky in Kent on Sunday

UFO cluster in Kent has locals wondering but MOD says not them

A UFO cluster in Kent, England, on Sunday had locals wondering what on Earth they were, while the MOD (Ministry of Defense) said it...
Video timelapse of Sun activity over a year

Spectacular timelapse Sun activity video over one year

A spectacular timelapse Sun activity video, which shows all movements over the course of one year, has been released by NASA. The Sun is...
Triceratops dinosaur on high street frightens locals

Huge dinosaur in high street frightened locals in drunken prank

A huge dinosaur model frightened locals after drunken pranksters are believed to have moved it from the garden of a shop that sells gems...
Incredible 5D data storage that lasts over 13 billion years

Incredible 5D data storage in nanostructured glass lasts billions of years

An incredible 5D digital data storage in nanostructured glass that lasts billions of years has been created by a team of scientists at the...
Alien search China about to get its mega telescope ready

Alien search means 9000 people relocated in China for mega telescope

China’s alien search is jumping up to a new level as it announces the relocation of 9000 people to make way for the world’s...
Atmosphere detected on super Earth 40 light years away

Distant planet has atmosphere with helium and hydrogen but not water say scientists

A distant planet, about 40 light-years from Earth, has an atmosphere mainly of helium and hydrogen, say scientists from University College London (UCL) and...
Underwater city of the future

Imagine underwater cities underground skyscrapers 3D printed food and transport drones

Imagine a world full of underwater cities, underground skyscrapers, 3D printed food and houses, personal drones instead of cars as an individual human’s mode...
Hobbit was not human had no unique human traits

Hobbit skull was not human but another creature say bone experts

The skull of a Hobbit like creature that people thought was a very short type of homo was probably not human at all, say...
Ordnance Survey made a partial map of Mars

Ordnance Survey produces map of Mars for future missions to Red Planet

Ordnance Survey has produced a digital map of a part of Mars to determine whether it has potential for future missions to the Red...