Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Religions based on omniscient punishing gods helped build our civilisation

Omniscient punishing Gods crucial for civilisation as we know it

Omniscient (all-knowing), punishing Gods have been vital for the evolution of human cooperation and civilization as we know it. Researchers from the University of...
UK to US flights will take longer due to global warming effect

UK to US flights longer due to global warming shorter US to UK

UK to US flights will be longer due to global warming (climate change), but US to UK journeys will be shorter, a new study...
Horrid ground weaver spider

Super rare Horrid ground weaver spider filmed alive for first time

The super rare Horrid ground weaver spider has been filmed alive for the first time, says conservation charity Buglife, after a new population was...
Is this an alien tower on the Moon NASA says no

Alien spire on Moon is crater NASA insists not proof of advanced civilization

An alleged alien spire detected by extraterrestrial enthusiasts is nothing of the sort, says NASA. It is simply a photo of a crater with...
Spectacular lightning storm videoed from space by Tim Peake

Spectacular lightning storm video posted by Tim Peake from space

A spectacular video of a lightning storm has been posted by British astronaut Major Tim Peake for all to see. During the lightning storm,...
Whitespotted bamboo shark virgin shark birth

Virgin shark to give birth has had no male contact in two years

A virgin female white spotted bamboo shark is about to give birth to two babies (pups) at Great Yarmouth Sea Life Centre in England....
Slimbdridge and Sir Peter Scott

Slimbridge home of patron saint of conservation open to public

Slimbridge, the home of Sir Peter Scott, the ‘patron saint of conservation’, will be open to the public thanks to a £4.4million Heritage Lottery...
Faster flights New York to London slower other way round

Flights to USA from UK will be longer due to climate change, shorter coming...

Flights to the USA will be longer from the UK and shorter coming back, due to climate change. A flight from London to New...
Asteroid will fly incredibly close to Earth

Asteroid will fly super close to Earth on 5th March says NASA

A small asteroid will fly super close to Earth on 5th March, so near says NASA as to be considered an ultra-close near miss...
Sperm whales died after chasing squid into shallow water

Sperm whales died while hunting squid expert believes

The thirty whales that have so far died in the North Sea waters and beaches appear to have been hunting squid and unintentionally ended...