Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Edgar Mitchell on the Moon

Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Moonwalker and UFO enthusiast dies aged 85

Apollo 14 Moonwalker, Edgar Mitchell, who was a UFO enthusiast and believed there really were aliens at Roswell, has died at the age of...
Nuclear fusion the Holy Grail for energy

Nuclear fusion Germany says beat that and China does handsomely

In the quest for nuclear fusion, a virtually infinite source of safe and clean energy, Germany made great strides last week and said 'Beat...
Smart Contact Lens to be computer monitor

Contact lens could be your computer screen say Australian scientists

Imagine a contact lens that serves as a computer screen – no more need for tablets, laptops or monitors, because it could all be...
Sperm whale deaths and strandings 2016 northern Europe

Sperm whale deaths perhaps linked to Solar activity suggest experts

The sperm whale deaths on UK and other northern European beaches and coastal waters may be caused by solar activity, suggest experts from the...
population change at end of Ice Age

Dramatic population change in Europe 15000 years ago DNA evidence shows

A dramatic population change in Europe occurred about 15000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age, according to DNA evidence discovered...
UFOs lights moving in unison in sky over Moscow

Four UFOs in Moscow sky have alien hunters in a buzz globally

The four UFOs in the Moscow sky that were videoed and posted online in January have alien hunters the world over in a buzz,...
Sperm whale dies on English beach

Sperm whale died making it 29th in 4 weeks along North Sea coast

The bull sperm whale that was found on Thursday morning at Hunstanton in Norfolk has died. It is the 29th sperm whale to have...
Missing Scottish osprey spotted by sister charity

Scottish osprey missing for 18 months found in Africa

A Scottish osprey that went missing for 18 months has been found thousands of miles away on a West African beach. The 3-year-old male...
Moon equals less rain

Moon makes it rain less by causing atmosphere to bulge

The Moon makes it rain less because its gravitational pull creates bulges in the Earth’s atmosphere, making the air able to hold more moisture,...
Was this made by Martian life

Martian microbes shaped cauliflower like minerals scientists suggest

Martian microbes could well have shaped cauliflower like minerals, say two scientists, after examining data sent by NASA’s Spirit rover from inside a crater...