Spiderman must have size 95 feet to climb walls and giant hands
Spiderman must have size 95 feet (114 in the US) if he really wants to climb walls like the superhero in the movies and...
Humans risk extinction from dangers of our own making warns Hawking
Humans are at risk of extinction because of several dangers of our own making, including a nuclear war or accident, climate change, genetically-engineered viruses,...
Martian gorilla and camel filmed by Mars Rover say space watchers
A Martian gorilla and a camel have been filmed by the Mars Curiosity Rover, a car-sized robotic rover exploring the Gale Crater on the...
Spectacular zinnia flowers in space tweeted by Scott Kelly
Commander Scott Kelly tweeted some spectacular photos of zinnia flowers in full bloom from the International Space Station (ISS). According to NASA, data gathered...
Nuclear bombs to target killer asteroids in EU Russian collaboration
Nuclear bombs may be used to target killer asteroids and send them on a non-Earth-bound trajectory – this is what the EU Commission has...
Mega earthworms size of small snakes in Isle of Rum off Scottish coast
Scientists found mega earthworms the size of small snakes in the Isle of Rum, one of the small isles of the Inner Hebrides. They...
Atomic bombs to destroy killer asteroids EU funded Russian research
Atomic bombs could be used to destroy killer asteroids that are heading our way and pose a threat to human life. This is what...
Creatures frozen for thirty years revived in extraordinary Japanese research
Microscopic creatures that had been frozen solid for over thirty years were revived in an extraordinary research carried out by Japanese scientists. The super-tiny...
Marine Conservation Zones expanded considerably around English coast
Marine Conservation Zones have been expanded considerably around the waters of England after the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) added twenty-three...
Alien megastructure in space theory reignited by American astronomer
An alien megastructure might exist 1,500 light-years away, after an American astronomer reignited speculation that the mysterious dimming of a star is being caused...