Asteroid defence team do protect Earth from impact set up by NASA
NASA has set up an asteroid defense team to protect the Earth from potentially threatening celestial bodies that could strike our planet, damage our environment...
Next Ice Age to come later because of climate change
The next Ice Age will come later because of climate change caused by human activity. Global warming, caused mainly by our burning of fossil...
Dinosaurs showed off sexual display to attract mates
Dinosaurs showed off sexual display and practiced social dominance to attract or secure mates, researchers from Queen Mary University of London report. Ornamental structures...
Humans with webbed feet and cat like eyes after sea levels rise
Humans will most likely have webbed feet and hands, cat-like eyes, longer fingers and toes for underwater foraging, after climate change causes sea levels...
Beautiful dwarf planet Ceres pictures released by NASA
Beautiful pictures of the dwarf planet Ceres, which piqued the interest of astronomers and planetary scientists throughout 2015, have been released by NASA. The...
Bronze Age homes in incredible condition astonish Cambridge archaeologists
Two Bronze Age homes in incredible condition have astonished archaeologists from Cambridge University during an excavation at Must Farm quarry in Whittlesey, an ancient...
Mega dinosaur Titanosaur documentary with Sir David Attenborough on BBC
There will be a documentary later this month on the mega giant dinosaur species Titanosaur, the largest known dinosaur that was estimated to have...
Gravitational waves possibly found physicists globally super excited
Gravitational waves - ripples that carry energy across the universe that bend spacetime – may have been found, so says an eminent physicist, whose...
Martian spider images from NASA on day David Bowie died
NASA released some spectacular Martian spider images on 10th January - the day it was announced that the world-famous British singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and record...
Traditional lightbulbs win reprieve with new tech say MIT scientists
Traditional lightbulbs will win a reprieve, say MIT and Purdue scientists, who have managed to combine the warm familiar glow of the incandescent lightbulbs,...