SEO Tips To Implement For Real Estate 2020

With the increasing number of homebuyers using the internet when looking for a home, it has never been clearer that online sources play an important role in the journey of your potential buyers. If you are in the real estate industry and you want to reach more audiences online, you have to improve your visibility in various search engines like Google, which is possible with SEO.

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Basically, SEO is the process of optimizing your blog content and website to make it more attractive and acceptable for search engines. The more relevant and helpful your content is for users, the more likely they are to see your blog posts and web pages at the top of SERP or search engine results page.

SEO for real estate can help you reach more prospective home sellers or buyers online. If you don’t have a clue on how to get started, you can also engage the services of a digital marketing agency like Reibar Marketing that specializes in implementing SEO for real estate businesses. To get the ball rolling, below are some of the best tips you can consider this 2020 to enhance your online presence:

Make Your Website Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

SEO for real estate business does not only revolve around keywords. It is also crucial that your website’s structure is optimized for search engines. With the numerous local searches on mobile devices, it is important that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive.

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If your website doesn’t load easily on mobile devices, you could be turning your leads away without even knowing it. As you audit your website, take note of the following to make your website mobile-responsive:

  • Compress and resize your photos so they will load on mobile devices quickly.
  • Provide a good user experience by making it simple for users to read and scroll your content without the need to zoom in.
  • Keep your website content easy to read and simple by prioritizing the content that your visitors will require the most.

Those are just some of the things to improve your website content and structure to make it responsive for mobile devices. If you do not have an in-house web designer, you can always hire one to help you.

Focus on Local SEO Keywords

If you want to boost your lead generation results online, you must focus on targeting local SEO keywords. Generally, local SEO is the variation on usual SEO, which focuses on improving your real estate business visibility online for any local-based search.

Since most home sellers or buyers use location-based searches when looking for properties in a certain area, it’s important that you use local SEO for your business. There are several aspects of local SEO you should know. One of these is to ensure that your contact information is correct in all listings and other websites.

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When it comes to local SEO keywords, these are the keywords that are relevant to your services with location information. For instance, if you operate your real estate business in Boston, your local SEO keywords should include “Boston Real Estate Agents”, “Boston Real Estate”, and “House for Sale in Boston”.

When creating local SEO keywords for your website, you can also consider long-tail keywords, which are the keywords that are more specific and much longer. The best thing about these keywords is that they have less competition and can bring you more quality and qualified traffic. It is because people searching with long-tail keywords are the ones looking for specific results.

Optimize Your Website Content for Search Engines

SEO for real estate is not only about the content you’re writing. Several real estate companies keep making the mistake of creating lots of good content, but fail to optimize their content for search engines. If a search engine cannot read or crawl your content, it will not be able to serve relevant site pages to leads that look for content like yours.

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Some of your content’s elements that you need to consider aside from your keywords are meta description, meta title, URL, and so on.

Integrate Quality Multimedia

Selling homes is dependent on the perceptions of potential buyers about your offerings, so video and images are important when it comes to real estate businesses. People buying homes have come to expect photos of the properties online. Not having images will not help you gain traffic, which can impact your search engine ranking negatively.

As a real estate agent, the best solution is integrating quality videos and images. When including images, you have to keep alt tags and image descriptions in mind for SEO purposes. Take note that bots cannot process visual information and for you to help them understand every image in your website, give images appropriate filenames and don’t forget to include alt descriptions that state exactly what’s in the image.

Publish Helpful Blog Content For Your Real Estate Website

Another way to capture leads with your real estate website is to publish new and relevant blog content regularly. The reason behind it is that the more quality and relevant content you post that highlights relevant SEO keywords, the more you’ll be able to appear higher in SERPs or search engine results pages.

It will not just improve your real estate website visibility, but it can also help you build relationships and establish trust with potential home sellers or buyers. So, make sure to create new blog content on a regular basis if you want to enjoy such benefits.


There are other SEO tips you can implement for 2020 aside from optimizing your website, adding quality keywords, and publishing blog posts daily. However, it is important to note that it takes time to get results from such tips. You will not see overnight success through this process, but you can easily get started. Just be patient and all of your efforts will pay off in the long run.

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