5 ways technology can transform your business

If you’re a small business, it can often feel like you’re treading water to keep up with competitors, suppliers, and keep customers coming through the door and continuing to request your services. It’s certainly a labor of love, but there must be a better way to increase your earning potential and help your business grow?

Technology can transform your business significantly - imageHarnessing the use of modern technology is a sure-fire way to improve efficiency and even enhance your customer’s experience with your business. You may find that as your business starts to grow, you also begin to outgrow your original business practices as the need to streamline and modernize the way you work begins to increase.

Of course, many business owners are wary of making everything digitised and letting technology do some of the hard work for them – but rest assured, if you hire an IT support company, they can help you with the setup, provide ongoing support and help you with any issues that may arise.

Here you’ll find 5 ways technology can help you transform your business:

Use technology to improve business security

The world is changing, and businesses are no longer under threat from just physical theft and property damage but digital and cyber-crime. Malicious links that appear via email, designed to infect your software and systems, easily deduced and infiltrated passwords and usernames, hackers, stolen customer data and information breaches. The list is extensive, but the right technology can help boost your online security and ensure you, your business and your customers are safe.

Simplify payments and invoices

As your business grows and you begin to hire more staff, get more customers and have more bills to pay, invoices to send out and larger finances to keep on top of, it won’t be long before you’re drowning in paperwork. Use technology to streamline all your payment services, payslips, invoices to customers and keeping on top of all the financial elements of your business.

Expand your reach

You can use basic technology to expand your customer base and specifically target those who are more likely to use your services. Social media marketing allows you to spend a minimal amount on what would otherwise be a huge chunk of your company’s finances and execute a thorough and precise marketing campaign that you can watch evolve in real-time. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even TikTok and Pinterest are all platforms that could help you reach new clients and keep in touch with the ones you already have.

Get more streamlined with time tracking software

Wondering where time could be better spent? Or want to get a real look at which tasks are slowing down the overall process. Installing time tracking software is the perfect way to monitor time spent on certain tasks and therefore helps you simplify your practices. There are many services to help you do this, like Worktime.

Use video marketing

Video marketing is huge, and it makes information about your company easier for a potential customer to digest. Implementing more technology into your business will help you reach more clients and advertise your business much more efficiently.


Interesting related article: “What is Technology?