5 Reasons Why Varicose Veins Treatment should not be Delayed

Varicose veins are the most common problematic condition that arises in the lower legs. In varicose veins, the accumulation of blood results in swelling and bulging of the veins. The twisted, enlarged veins cause heaviness and throbbing pain.

What are varicose veins - image 499399288
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Legs, (especially lower legs and feet) are the most vulnerable to this vascular problem. Obesity, pregnancy, and high blood pressure are the major risk factors for varicose veins in legs.

Varicose veins should be given effective treatment in time to avoid any kind of complications. Yes, varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern but rather a condition that can turn serious if you leave it untreated for a prolonged time.

Here are the 5 reasons why you should not delay varicose veins treatment:

Veins can burst off/collapse

Varicose veins are already under a lot of excess pressure due to pooling of blood. In such cases, if the affected leg suffers any injury or trauma, the veins can rupture, and this can result in bleeding. If only the vein ruptures and the skin tissue remain intact, you may notice bruising.

On the other hand, if the skin tissue is also damaged, it can lead to severe bleeding through the skin. This condition requires proper medical attention. Otherwise, you can lose a lot of blood.

Painful ulcers on the skin and the veins

Excess venous pressure and fluid buildup under the skin can cause the area to get swollen and this may result in the formation of an ulcer. These ulcers are most commonly seen near the ankles and can be quite painful. These ulcers can grow severe over time and thus, it is recommended to get them treated as soon as possible.

Increased risks of blood clots forming

Varicose veins are one of the major risk factors for blood clot formation, also known as deep vein thrombosis. When reflux of blood occurs, the blood cells become more likely to clump together to form blood clots in the veins. This condition can lead to persistent swelling and pain in the legs. If left untreated for a long time, the blood clot can break free and can even have life-threatening implications.

Inflammation in the veins

Thrombophlebitis is a condition that has symptoms quite similar to those of deep vein thrombosis. The condition is characterized by the long term inflammation of the veins inside the leg and can be quite painful. You may also notice other symptoms like redness, swelling and feeling of warmth on touching.

Inability of the veins to function optimally

Chronic venous insufficiency refers to the prolonged damage to the veins which leads to impaired blood supply. This can result in the inability of the skin to exchange oxygen, nutrients and waste products properly and can have some serious consequences.

Chronic venous insufficiency can lead to the following complications:

  • Venous Ulcers
  • Varicose Eczema (The skin becomes hard and flaky. Blisters can also be seen.)
  • Lipodermatosclerosis ( Non-reversible hardening and discoloration of the skin, most commonly seen in the calf area)

By now, you must have understood how important it is to seek medical intervention for varicose veins. Varicose veins are curable even in severe cases and a variety of treatment options are available.

For symptomatic relief, you can try home remedies, management tips and certain medications. But these won’t provide you with permanent relief.

The only permanent solution for varicose veins is surgery but the catch is to choose the right surgical procedure. Choosing a painful and complicated surgical treatment like open surgery is certainly not a wise choice.

Opt for laser treatment for fast relief from varicose veins

Laser treatment is the most modern and advanced procedure available for varicose veins at the moment. It is a simple procedure in which the surgeon uses laser energy to shut off blood supply through the swollen and enlarged veins. These veins eventually collapse, and the flow of blood is rerouted through healthier veins, thereby curing the problem.

Laser treatment is absolutely painless, non-invasive, and does not involve any bleeding. It is a very safe procedure and takes only about 20 minutes to complete. After the surgery, you can even go home on the same day. There is no risk of postoperative complications or infections and the recovery is very smooth. You’ll be good to go back to your routine life within a week.

Thus, through the laser varicose veins treatment, you can get relief from the troubles of enlarged veins in a fast and hassle-free manner.


Endovenous laser treatment or EVLT is a minimally invasive ultrasound technique for varicose veins. The procedure is carried out by a vascular surgeon, interventional radiologist, or phlebologist.

The Ultimate Vein Guide says the following about EVLT:

“Endovenous laser ablation treatment EVLT is one of the most effective, safest, and cost effective minimally invasive procedures for treating varicose veins.”

Besides choosing the right treatment option, it is equally important to consult the right doctor as well so as to ensure that the treatment experience is seamless.

Laser treatment in Delhi

Owing to its benefits, laser treatment is gaining a lot of popularity in metro cities. Thus, it won’t be very difficult for you to find a hospital offering laser treatment for varicose veins in Delhi or any other city.

If you are currently dealing with the discomforts of varicose veins and are looking for an experienced doctor, you can get in touch with Pristyn Care. Pristyn Care is associated with some of the best vascular specialists in various cities across India and thus you can trust them for a reliable and successful treatment.

Beneficial tips to keep veins and the entire vascular system healthy

You can follow the given before and after the treatment of varicose veins. The following practices won’t cause you any harm or side-effects:

  • Your diet must include high dietary fibers to ensure that there is no build up of plaque on the walls of the veins.
  • Have nuts in your regular diet. Walnuts, peanuts especially help in lowering the blood pressure that prevents the damage of the veins.
  • Practice yoga every day to enhance blood circulation throughout the body. Tadasana, Uttanapadasana, Viparita Karani, Pawanamuktasana, etc are very effective in improving the circulation through the lower body.
  • Wear flat footwear that does not put extra strain on the veins of the lower legs.
  • Avoid sitting in one position for a long time, this disrupts the proper blood throughout the veins.

Take Away

Varicose veins themselves are very discomforting. If not tended to in time, they can definitely become severe and add to your miseries. Therefore, along with preventive and management tips, it is necessary to undergo proper medical treatment in time.

So, if you are already struggling with varicose veins, do not endure the pain and troubles any more. Prioritize your health, consult a vascular specialist and say goodbye to varicose veins once and for all.

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