Who Should I Talk to After a Car Accident?

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. From dealing with property damage to potential injuries, there are various aspects to consider when seeking compensation for your losses. In the aftermath of a collision, it’s crucial to understand the roles of both a personal injury attorney and an insurance adjuster. 

While both parties play significant roles in the claims process, there are key differences in their objectives and the outcomes they seek. Brian Nguyen, founding partner of Universal Law Group, helps us explore the benefits of engaging with each party and how their perspectives can impact your case.

The Insurance Adjuster: Evaluating Claims from a Company Perspective

“After a car accident, you will likely be contacted by an insurance adjuster representing the at-fault driver’s insurance company,” Nguyen stated. “Their primary role is to investigate the accident, assess the damages, and determine the value of your claim. However, it’s important to remember that insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, and their primary objective is to protect their employer’s financial interests.”

When dealing with an insurance adjuster, keep in mind that their evaluation may not always align with the full extent of your losses. Their goal is to settle the claim for the lowest amount possible, which may not adequately cover your medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. While it’s necessary to cooperate and provide the required information, it’s wise to approach conversations with caution.

The Personal Injury Attorney: Protecting Your Interests and Maximizing Compensation

“Engaging a personal injury attorney following a car accident can significantly impact the outcome of your claim,” Nguyen explained. “Unlike an insurance adjuster, an attorney represents your best interests and is focused on maximizing your compensation.” 

A practiced personal injury attorney possesses the legal expertise and experience to navigate the complexities of personal injury law, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Additionally, they have a legal team working together on your behalf to investigate your claim thoroughly.

By hiring an attorney, you gain an advocate who will diligently investigate your case, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, represent you in court. Attorneys understand the intricacies of insurance policies and can accurately assess the true value of your claim, including the salvage value of a car, taking into account all the relevant factors.

The Importance of Legal Guidance: Building a Strong Case

When engaging in conversations with an insurance adjuster, it’s crucial to have legal guidance from a personal injury attorney. Insurance companies are skilled at using tactics to undermine your claim, such as requesting recorded statements that can be used against you later or offering quick settlement offers that undervalue your losses.

“A knowledgeable attorney guides you on how to communicate with insurance adjusters, ensuring your rights are protected and your statements are not misconstrued,” Nguyen explained. 

Your attorney will review settlement offers and negotiate on your behalf, striving for a fair resolution that covers all your damages. In the event of a dispute or if a fair settlement cannot be reached, an attorney will be prepared to take your case to court and litigate on your behalf.

Final Thoughts

Following a car accident, it’s important to approach conversations with both insurance adjusters and personal injury attorneys thoughtfully. While insurance adjusters represent the interests of the insurance company, personal injury attorneys work diligently to protect your rights and secure the maximum compensation you deserve. 

By seeking legal guidance early on, you can ensure that your case is handled professionally and that your interests are safeguarded throughout the claims process. Remember, an attorney’s knowledge and experience are invaluable assets when seeking fair compensation for your losses after a car wreck.