Editor’s Choice

16:33 GMT, March 2, 2015

Google’s internet balloons could generate tens of billions of dollars

Google is determined to make internet access more widespread in underserved parts of the world by using high-altitude balloons to offer connectivity. When the company first […]
11:27 GMT, February 28, 2015

Eclipse of the Sun has European solar power producers worried

Hundreds of millions of Europeans will experience a solar eclipse ranging from 40% to 97% obscuration on March 20th. Iceland will have a total blackout. The […]
13:31 GMT, February 27, 2015

Our water is becoming progressively poisoned with algae, raising risk of diseases

Since the 1800s, there has been an explosion of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) populations in the lakes of Europe and North America, which threatens to poison our […]
16:43 GMT, February 25, 2015

Google’s AI software “Deep Q” can beat human gamers

Google acquired the London-based artificial intelligence (AI) firm DeepMind for £400m last year. Since the acquisition there hasn’t been a lot of information about what the […]
03:05 GMT, February 21, 2015

UK is “on track” to meet annual deficit target, says Osborne

George Osborne said that the UK is “on track” to meet its annual deficit target. The UK posted its biggest surplus since before the recession began […]
05:17 GMT, February 20, 2015

Super powerful electron microscope SuperSTEM 3 is 100 times better than any other

SuperSTEM 3, the most powerful electron microscope in the world, that can pinpoint the position of single atoms, has been installed at the Engineering and Physical […]
15:00 GMT, February 18, 2015

Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 said to be launched later this year

It has been three years since Microsoft launched its first generation “Surface” tablet computer. Initially the company’s products in the tablet market did not sell nearly […]
20:10 GMT, February 17, 2015

Snapchat entering new funding round, says report

Just over a year ago Snapchat turned down a $3 billion acquisition offer from Facebook and many wondered why Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel decided not to […]