5 Tips for Narrowing Down Candidates Quickly

So, you need to hire talent, and you need to do it quickly, but where do you start? Whether it’s because you’re growing so quickly that you can’t keep up your productivity demands or you’re dealing with a sudden resignation, filling a position in a short time frame can be difficult. But don’t panic, we have 5 tips you can rely on to help you hire efficiently.

Narrowing down candidates image 4994994By following these recommendations, you can not only fill your position quickly, but you won’t even have to sacrifice quality to do so.

#1: Create a Comprehensive Job Description & Application

This will cut down on a lot of the work you would otherwise have to do later in the process. When creating your job posting, make sure it is as specific as possible from the daily responsibilities to the requirements, and maybe even the salary range. This will help reduce the number of under-qualified or overqualified applicants from the very beginning.

You can also make your job application more efficient and use it as a tool to disqualify candidates without ever having to speak with them. Include a list of yes and no questions based on the skills necessary to complete the job. That way, if they don’t have the required skills, you can count them out. For greater insight, you can also add a few open-ended questions.

If writing isn’t in your skill set, hire a freelancer for this one-off project. Just give them a list of your needs and they’ll take care of the rest. However, make sure you double-check their work before posting it to make sure it communicates exactly what you need.

#2: Conduct a Phone Interview First 

Having in-office interviews is time-consuming. While you might be able to set some time limits, it’s difficult to anticipate how many questions candidates might have for you. Plus, trying to schedule interviews is another challenge entirely. You should only meet with a select few candidates that you’ve gauged are well-suited for the job.

For your first round of interviews, get in touch with applicants over the phone. This gives you more control and requires less of a time commitment on your end. It’s also an opportunity to ask some basic questions that can easily qualify candidates who will move onto the next round or flag those who aren’t going to be a good fit for the position or your company.

Narrowing down candidates image 89321234#3: Perform Background Checks 

A credit check for employment can be a useful tool for identifying major issues with a candidate like a concerning criminal background or false information about their identity or previous experience.

While you don’t need to run a background check on every potential candidate, you should use this tool before officially bringing anyone onto the team. Remember, you must notify and get permission from candidates before performing the screening.

#4: Smart Scheduling

If you can, plan all of your interviews back-to-back over one or two days. This will allow you to have details about each applicant at top-of-mind and make your decision quickly. Plus, it’s difficult enough trying to schedule one interview, let alone getting them to come back twice in one week.

On the same note, if multiple people need to meet the candidates before they can come on board, hold a panel-style interview. If that’s not possible, then have each person meet with the applicant consecutively so they don’t need to come back to the office and you can make your decision on the same day.

Understandably, it can be frustrating and nearly impossible to coordinate everyone’s calendar. However, it’s much easier with a smart scheduling tool.

#5: Use a Recruitment Software

Like nearly all other aspects of business, AI has become a part of the hiring process. There is now recruitment software available that can handle virtually every aspect of the hiring process in a streamlined interface. With recruitment chatbots, analytics, and scheduling capabilities, this could be your one-stop shop to making efficient hiring decisions. Plus, your whole team can access everything they need about applicants in one convenient place, allowing for collaborative decision making.

Now all that’s left to do is figure out which solution will be the most helpful to you and move forward with finding your new team member. Just remember, even though you’re hiring out of necessity doesn’t mean that you can’t still find the ideal employee to fit the job.