
Bumblebee head covered in tiny hairs

Bumblebees know flowers are near because their hairs vibrate

Bumblebees know flowers are near because they have tiny hairs that vibrate, responding to electric signals from the flowers. This biological ability to perceive...

Asus unveils its talking household assistant robot ‘Zenbo’

Asus has just unveiled its new talking household assistant robot called Zenbo. The family friendly robot, priced at $599 (around £410), can move freely...

EasyJet to reject passengers who arrive at security less than half-an-hour before departure

EasyJet is going to start rejecting passengers who arrive at airport security less than half-an-hour before departure, cracking down on those who make a...
In the airplane

Global air passenger demand rose 4.6% in April, slowest growth since last January

Global air passenger demand rose 4.6 percent in April, the slowest rate of growth since January 2015, according to the International Air Transport Association...
Distant planet may have life

Distant planet that might have life has scientists excited

A distant planet that might have life, or could have the ideal conditions for life to emerge, has scientists in the United States excited....
English Organic wine

UK wine industry is booming, 37 new winemakers in England were licensed last year

The British wine industry has experienced a boom over the past year, with a surge in the number of new vineyards opening across the...
Coral bleaching and its impact

Mass bleaching killed a third of corals of Great Barrier Reef section

Mass bleaching has killed over one third – 35% - of the corals on the central and northern Great Barrier Reef, says a team...

90% of economists believe a Brexit would harm UK economic growth

There is remarkable consensus among economists that a Brexit would harm UK economic growth. An overwhelming 88% of economists who took part in an online...
Winston Churchill 5 pound note

New £5 note featuring Sir Winston Churchill to be unveiled by Bank of England

The new £5 note featuring Sir Winston Churchill is going to be revealed by the Bank of England on Thursday at Blenheim Palace -...
Biodegradable beer pack rings made of wheat barley

Beer pack rings that are edible and protect marine wildlife

In a move to protect marine wildlife and reduce the growing problem of ocean plastic pollution, a US company has created edible beer pack...