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Twitter testing tweets sorted by relevance

Twitter is testing a new Facebook-style timeline format in which tweets are sorted by relevance instead of by chronological order. The microblogging giant is...
Fast camera see moving objects around corners

Incredibly fast camera that sees around corners has search and rescue potential

An incredibly fast camera that can see objects around corners has great potential for use in search and rescue operations and for use in cars...
htc vive

HTC Vive VR headset launch delayed until April 2016

HTC’s Vive VR headset will not be available for consumers to buy until April 2016, according to a recent statement HTC made on its...
maps apple iphone

Apple Maps more popular than Google Maps among iPhone and iPad users

Apple Maps is now more popular among iPhone and iPad users than Google Maps. Apple said that its web mapping service is being used three...
Apple Watch

Most Apple Watch owners plan to give one as a gift

Sales of the Apple Watch this holiday season may be boosted by those who already have one. According to a recent poll by Reuters,...
EU referendum age minimum rejected

Lowering EU referendum age rejected by British MPs

Lowering the EU in-or-out EU referendum to include 16 and 17-year olds has been rejected by MPs in a 303 to 253 vote. The...
Stephen Nickell says curbing benefits will not do much

Cutting migrant worker benefits will not stop them coming, says top economist

Cutting migrant worker benefits will not stop them coming to the United Kingdom, said renowned economist Sir Stephen Nickell, a senior member of the...

Apple launches ‘Smart Battery Case’ for iPhone 6 and 6S

Apple has launched a battery case for the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6 smartphones. The Smart Battery Case is Apple’s first big entry in the...
Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about avoiding meat once or twice a week

Arnold Schwarzenegger advises vegetarian lifestyle to save the planet

Arnold Schwarzenegger advises we adopt a vegetarian lifestyle for a couple of days per week in order to save the planet, i.e. combat climate...
Arthur Boyt having dolphin for Christmas

Dolphin for Christmas dinner says Arthur who just eats roadkill meat

Dolphin will be this year's Christmas dinner for Arthur, who just eats roadkill meat. He says he found the aquatic marine mammal washed up...